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So I asked Chat GPT to write a game in Atari Basic....


Here's what I got...


10 REM Simple Atari BASIC game example
20 REM
30 REM Initialize game variables
40 POKE 752,0:POKE 753,0:POKE 754,0:POKE 755,0
50 REM
60 REM Main game loop
70 GOSUB 1000
80 GOTO 70
90 REM
100 REM Subroutines
1000 REM Update game state
1010 POKE 752,RND(1)*256
1020 POKE 753,RND(1)*256



I like that it comments its code!!!  Not too fun though...

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Follow Up:  I asked for a Space Invaders game in Atari Basic:



Space Invaders is a classic arcade game that was first released in 1978. While it is certainly possible to create a version of Space Invaders in Atari BASIC, it would be a complex task that would require a significant amount of programming knowledge and experience.

In general, Space Invaders involves the following elements:

  • A scrolling playfield with a fixed background and moving objects (the invaders and the player's ship)
  • Player input to control the movement of the ship
  • Collision detection between the invaders and the player's ship or shots
  • A scoring system to keep track of the player's progress
  • Increasing difficulty as the game progresses (e.g. faster moving invaders or more invaders on the screen)

To create a Space Invaders game in Atari BASIC, you would need to use a combination of graphics commands, input/output commands, and control structures to create the various elements of the game. You would also need to write code to handle the game logic, such as movement, collision detection, and scoring.

If you are interested in creating a Space Invaders game in Atari BASIC, I recommend starting with some simpler programming exercises to get a feel for the language and its capabilities. There are many resources available online that can help you learn more about programming in Atari BASIC and get started with your own projects.

I hope this information is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.


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It's bugged anyway, RND(1)*256 can try poking 256 which will cause an error, if the

value returned by RND(1) is something like 0.99999999 then the conversion in the POKE

will round up to 256.


That said the program itself really does nothing but hide the cursor, and of course produce errors :)


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