Important to read these directions: ` 1. Takes practice to get a feel for putting. But the rule of max strength = distance 10 works pretty well . 2. If moving the target just a little selects a more powerful club ( lower number) , then select more powerful club. 3. Except when putting, always use max shot strength , since you are trying to hot your preset target which = max strength. 4. Wind does not affect Wedge shots Off Green Controls: 1. The shot will attempt to hit the target , but is affected by wind ( bottom Right number) , and how your shot timing is executed. Wind is only on in P0 difficulty A. (For reference, ->9 means the wind is blowing right 9 . So aim 9 to left of intended target. The greens are about 16 units wide. The course view playfield is 50 spaces vertically . So wind blowing up 9 , move target down about 1/5 way. You will get feel for how much to adjust with practice. Of course the other factors affecting your shot ( timing) will complicate the result. 2. To swing, pull down on Joystick. This will activate the shot strength meter . You want to achieve maximum strength on the meter always ( this is to the target you have set ). Push up on the joystick to begin downswing ( you want to do this when the strength meter is exactly at max ( or just below ) . Too little strength will cause a short shot. Push button to finish swing when the meter is exactly at 0. Too early ( slice to right ) or too late ( hook to left ) . (If your ball is higher than target this is reversed ) So shot mechanic is down - up - button. Avoid Water Hazard ( 1 stroke penalty). If ball lie is in trees or sand , this will have the affect of causing your shot to travel a bit shorter than usual . ON the green. 1. Putting is same as swing ( down - up - button) . The bottom right number is distance to pin. Think of the maximum shot strength = distance 10 or higher. So for a put of distance 6 , let the strength meter get about 70% . Button must be pressed at end unless distance is 1 or 0. Pressing button too soon will pull teh putt right and too late will cause the putt to miss left. It is possible to over putt ( too hard) so that teh putt rolls over the hole. On tee , Top row numbers are left: current net score ( over par = black, under par = red) and right :current hole. After tee shot, top row is left: current hole score and right : par for current hole. Bottom row are club and Wind ( distance to pin if on green) Two Player Mode: Activate by moving Right Difficulty to A. ( 1 or 2 player can only be switched before first shot is taken). P0 tees off first each hole. After tee shot , the player who is "out" (farthest from hole) plays next. In 2 player games, the white ball is active shot and the blue or yellow marker is for the other player's location. At the end of game, the the top row numbers are P0Score, P1Score ( par is 70)