processor 6502 include "vcs.h" include "macro.h" Gris = 8 ;Marron = 4*8 Verde = 3*16 + 10 ;Naranja = 4*16 + 10 Celeste = 9*16 + 14 Marron = Gris Azul = 11*16 + 4 Naranja = Azul Amarillo = 2*16 + 14 ; es amarillo? Rojo = 6*16 + 4 ; es rojo? PunteroRoom = $86 PunteroRoomBKP = $8C TieneObjeto = 1 Guante = 2 Lamp = 4 Llave = 8 PushQ = 16 Dia2 = 32 Inventario = $8E ControlBoton = $8F Temp = $91 DuracionNota = $A2 Noparray = $A8 Personaje = $A9 TogCamina = $AB ContaX = $AC Vueltas = $AD TogPersonaje = $AE Personaje1 = $AF Personaje2 = $B1 Vueltas1 = $B3 Vueltas2 = $B4 ContAnim = $B5 PuntAnim = $B6 SaltAnim = $B7 Noparray2 = $B9 RoomP1 = $BA RoomP2 = $BB ContaY = $C3 ColPir = $C4 ColPir2 = $C5 Scor = $C6 Digi1 = $C8 Digi2 = $CA Digi3 = $CC Digi4 = $CE Vueltas3 = $F1 Vueltas4 = $F2 Puntaje = $F3 Backg = $FA Backg2 = $FC CaeCabz = Noparray2 ColorBK = Noparray YardCastle = PunteroRoom YardCastle2 = PunteroRoomBKP Delay = Vueltas3 Curvit = $D4 Curvit2 = $D5 Curvit3 = $D6 Curvit4 = $D7 Curvit5 = $D8 Curvit6 = $D9 Curvit7 = $DA Curvit8 = $DB Velo = $FE;FD;CaeCabz Motor = $DC Motor2 = $DD Motor3 = $DE Motor4 = $DF C_7 = 0 C_6 = 1 F_5 = 2 C_5 = 3 Gs_4 = 4 F_4 = 5 D_4 = 6 C_4 = 7 As_3 = 8 Gs_3 = 9 Fs_3 = 10 F_3 = 11 Ds_3 = 12 D_3 = 13 Cs_3 = 14 C_3 = 15 B_2 = 16 As_2 = 17 A_2 = 18 Gs_2 = 19 G_2 = 20 Fs_2 = 21 F_2 = 23 E_2 = 24 Ds_2 = 25 D_2 = 27 Cs_2 = 29 C_2 = 30 Amanecer = 8 Bicmaps = Curvit Giro = Personaje1 Dunot = Personaje2 Horizon = Curvit8 Horizon2 = Curvit7 ContaZ = Vueltas3 ;///////////////// Start of Code ///////////////////////////////////// SEG org $1000 rORG $F000 JMP Sajmp Sabnk LDA $081F;1FF8 NOP NOP NOP NOP JMP Star;Start_Frame Sajmp Reset ; Clear RAM, TIA registers and Set Stack Pointer to #$FF SEI CLD LDX #$FF TXS LDA #0 Clear_Mem STA 0,X DEX BNE Clear_Mem ;jmp Star_ ldy #0 lda PunteroRoomF,Y sta PunteroRoom iny lda PunteroRoomF,Y sta PunteroRoom + 1 ;jsr Mover_Fondo ; ldy #0 ; ldx #0 Llen ; lda (PunteroRoom),Y ; sta ColPir,X ; inx ; iny ; cpy #12 ; bne Llen Star sta WSYNC ldx #49;47;60 setP1 nop dex bne setP1 sta RESP0 lda #$10 sta HMP0 sta WSYNC sta HMOVE sta WSYNC ldx #49;50;47;20;30;Scor;#192;Scor;112 dobl nop dex bne dobl sta RESP1;RESM1;RESP1 lda #$A0;80 sta HMP1 sta WSYNC sta HMOVE ldx #30 dobl2 nop dex bne dobl2 sta RESBL lda #0 sta NUSIZ0 sta NUSIZ1 lda #6;5;1 sta RoomP1 lda #%00000001 sta Bicmaps lda #%00100010 sta Bicmaps + 1 lda #%00000011 sta Bicmaps + 2 lda #%00100100 sta Bicmaps + 3 lda #%00000101 sta Bicmaps + 4 lda #%00100110 sta Bicmaps + 5 ;lda <#Bitmag ;sta PunteroRoom ;lda >#Bitmag ;sta PunteroRoom + 1 lda #0 sta Noparray ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////// Start_Frame ;SLEEP 42 lda #229;19 ;esto si hay algo en el Anim2 va 24, si solo hay un jmp retornoanim va 25, porque se hacen lineas impares y eso hace que se ponga todo en blanco y negro sta TIM64T ;T1024T LDA #Celeste;8 ;clc ;adc ContaZ STA COLUBK;PF ldy RoomP2;#4 Lop nop dey bne Lop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop ; nop sta RESM1;0 sta RESP1 sta RESBL sta RESP0 sta RESM0;1 ;sta RESP0 ;sta RESM0 ; Start VSYNC LDA #Celeste;8 clc adc ContaZ STA COLUBK;PF LDA #2 STA VSYNC STA WSYNC STA WSYNC STA WSYNC ; 3 Scanlines of VSYNC LDA #0 STA VSYNC ; End VSYNC ; 37 Scanlines of Vertical Blank... LDX #37 Vertical_BlankD STA WSYNC DEX BNE Vertical_BlankD LDA #0 STA VBLANK ; Enable TIA Output ;////////////// Start To Draw Playfield /////////////////////////////// lda RoomP1 and #%01111000 clc ror ror ror tay lda Loma,Y clc rol rol tax ;LDX #20;4 ; Frase 1 empieza mas arriba TiempoD STA WSYNC DEX BNE TiempoD ; JMP ($82);Frase1 RetornoD lda #0 sta CTRLPF lda ContaZ sta COLUPF LDA Horizon;#0;Cero2 STA PF0 STA PF2;1 lda Horizon2 STA PF1;2 STA WSYNC lda #Amarillo clc adc ContaZ sta COLUBK STA WSYNC lda #Celeste clc adc ContaZ sta COLUBK STA WSYNC lda #Amarillo clc adc ContaZ sta COLUBK STA WSYNC lda #Rojo - 60 clc adc ContaZ sta COLUBK STA WSYNC lda #Rojo - 50 clc adc ContaZ sta COLUBK STA WSYNC LDA #5;1 STA CTRLPF ; JMP ($84);Frase2 Retorno2D LDA #0 ;Cero2 STA PF0 STA PF1 STA PF2 sta GRP0 sta GRP1 ;JMP ($88) lda #0 sta COLUBK sta COLUPF lda #Gris sta COLUP0 lda #Gris;Azul sta COLUP1 lda #0 sta COLUP0 sta COLUP1 ;lda Puntaje lda RoomP1 and #%11111000 cmp #0 bmi gir ;ldx #0 ;stx Giro gir clc ror ror adc ContaX tay lda pufuga,Y sta RoomP2 lda Curarr,Y sta PunteroRoomBKP iny lda Curarr,Y sta PunteroRoomBKP + 1 lda RoomP2 cmp #4 beq fugasa bmi fugadob lda RoomP1 and #%00011100 clc ror ror tax lda horian2,X sta Horizon lda horian,X sta Horizon2 jmp fugasas fugadob lda RoomP1 and #%00011100 clc ror ror tax lda horian,X sta Horizon lda horian2,X sta Horizon2 jmp fugasas fugasa lda horian sta Horizon fugasas lda #0 sta Noparray ldy #19;20;40;20 lda #3 sta Dunot ;lda RoomP1 ;and #1 ;beq Loopy ;jmp Loopy2 Loopy ;sta WSYNC ;sta WSYNC ;sta WSYNC ;sta WSYNC tya clc rol rol rol clc adc RoomP1 and #%11111000 clc ror ror ror tax lda Loma,X sta Vueltas Lom sta WSYNC dec Vueltas bne Lom sta WSYNC sta HMOVE lda (PunteroRoom),Y clc adc ContaZ sta COLUBK lda RoomP1 and #%00111100 clc ror ror ;ror ;ror sta Temp tya clc adc Temp tax lda RoomP1 and #%10000000 beq par lda Aut,X sta GRP0 lda #0 sta GRP1 jmp pars par lda Aut,X sta GRP1 lda #0 sta GRP0 pars lda Autc,X clc adc ContaZ sta COLUP0 sta COLUP1 tya cmp #10 bmi diz1 lda #0 sta NUSIZ0 sta NUSIZ1 jmp sa1 diz1 lda #5 sta NUSIZ0 sta NUSIZ1 sa1 ; tya ; clc ; adc Puntaje ; and #%00001000 ; beq Linee lda #$1F ; jmp Linees Linee ; lda #9 Linees ;sta GRP0 ;sta GRP1 sta ENABL sta ENAM1 sta ENAM0 lda #$D0 clc adc (PunteroRoomBKP),Y adc Giro sta HMM0;HMP0 ;sta HMP0 lda #$30 clc adc (PunteroRoomBKP),Y adc Giro sta HMM1;HMP1 ;lda #$F0 ;clc ;adc (PunteroRoomBKP),Y ;adc Giro ;sta HMM1 ;lda #$10 lda #0 clc adc (PunteroRoomBKP),Y adc Giro sta HMBL sta HMP0 sta HMP1 lda RoomP1 and #%00001000 beq ferra1 lda ferrari,Y sta PF2 jmp ferras ferra1 lda ferrari2,Y sta PF2 ferras lda ferrac,Y sta COLUPF dey bne LoopyN sta WSYNC jmp LoopyS LoopyN jmp Loopy LoopyS LDA #0;255;0 ;Cero2 STA PF0 STA PF1 STA PF2 sta GRP0 sta GRP1 sta ENABL sta ENAM1 sta ENAM0 clc ;inc RoomP1 lda RoomP1 adc #1 sta RoomP1 lda ContaZ adc #0 ;sumarle el carry sta ContaZ and #%00000011 sta ContaY lda ContaY clc rol rol rol rol rol rol sta ContaX inc Puntaje lda Puntaje and #%00111100 clc ror ;ror ;ror ;ror ;ror tay lda PunteroRoomF2,Y sta PunteroRoom iny lda PunteroRoomF2,Y sta PunteroRoom + 1 cpy #9*2 + 1 ;15*2 + 1 beq Salix jmp Salixs Salix lda TogCamina beq Alprix lda #0 sta Puntaje sta TogCamina lda PunteroRoomF sta PunteroRoom lda PunteroRoomF + 1 sta PunteroRoom + 1 jmp Sabnk Alprix lda #0 sta Puntaje Salixs LDX #17;9;18;40;90;50;30;50;90;112 DibujaColaD STA WSYNC DEX BNE DibujaColaD ; sta HMOVE DeciD LDA SWCHA AND #%00010000 BEQ DecisionNearD LDA SWCHA AND #%01000000 BEQ Decision2NearD LDA SWCHA AND #%00100000 BEQ Decision3NearD LDA SWCHA AND #%10000000 BEQ Decision4NearD ;BEQ TogImg LDA INPT4 BMI RetDeciD JMP Boton;Decision DecisionNearD jmp Boton ;inc RoomP1 ; JMP Decision Decision2NearD ;dec Noparray2;PunteroRoom;nada ;dec Noparray2;PunteroRoom;nada dec Giro dec Giro jmp RetDeciD lda #1 sta TogCamina jsr Mover_Fondo jmp RetDeciD ; JMP Decision2 Decision3NearD ; JMP Decision3 Decision4NearD inc Giro inc Giro jmp RetDeciD ; JMP Decision4 inc Noparray2;incPunteroRoom;noHaceNada inc Noparray2;incPunteroRoom;noHaceNada jsr Mover_Fondo RetDeciD ;////////////// End Of Display //////////////////////////////////////// LDA #%01000010 ; Disable VIA Output STA VBLANK ; 30 scanlines of overscan... jmp Lejos Lejret ; LDX #30 ;Overscan STA WSYNC ; DEX ; BNE Overscan OverscanLoopD lda INTIM bne OverscanLoopD lda #65 sta TIM64T overscan2 lda INTIM bne overscan2 sta WSYNC JMP Start_Frame ;jmp Star_ Boton ;inc RoomP1 inc Puntaje inc Puntaje inc RoomP1 inc RoomP1 lda #1 sta Dunot jmp RetDeciD Loopy2 lda #Rojo sta COLUP0 sta WSYNC sta WSYNC sta WSYNC sta WSYNC sta HMOVE lda (PunteroRoom),Y sta COLUBK lda RoomP1 and #%00111100 clc ror ror ;ror ;ror sta Temp tya clc adc Temp tax lda Aut,X sta GRP0 ;sta GRP1 sta ENABL sta ENAM1 tya cmp #10 bmi diz lda #0 sta NUSIZ0 jmp sa diz lda #5 sta NUSIZ0 sa lda #0;#$D0 clc adc (PunteroRoomBKP),Y adc Giro sta HMP0 lda #0;#$30 clc adc (PunteroRoomBKP),Y adc Giro sta HMP1 lda #$F0 clc adc (PunteroRoomBKP),Y adc Giro sta HMM1 lda #$10 clc adc (PunteroRoomBKP),Y adc Giro sta HMBL dey bne LoopyN2 sta WSYNC jmp LoopyS2 LoopyN2 jmp Loopy2 LoopyS2 lda #0 sta NUSIZ0 jmp LoopyS Mover_Fondo rts ldy #0 ldx #0 ;lda #%01100010 ;sta Horizon Llen2 lda (PunteroRoom),Y sta ColPir,X inx iny cpy #12 bne Llen2 rts Star_ sta WSYNC ldx #49;47;60 setP1_ nop dex bne setP1_ sta RESP0 lda #$D0 sta HMP0 sta WSYNC sta HMOVE sta WSYNC ldx #49;48;49;50;47;20;30;Scor;#192;Scor;112 dobl_ nop dex bne dobl_ sta RESP1;RESM1;RESP1 lda #$20 sta HMP1 sta WSYNC sta HMOVE ldx #30 dobl2_ nop dex bne dobl2_ sta RESBL lda #3 sta NUSIZ0 sta NUSIZ1 lda #6;5;1 sta RoomP1 lda #%00000001 sta Bicmaps lda #%00100010 sta Bicmaps + 1 lda #%00000011 sta Bicmaps + 2 lda #%00100100 sta Bicmaps + 3 lda #%00000101 sta Bicmaps + 4 lda #%00100110 sta Bicmaps + 5 lda #0 sta Noparray ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////// Start_Frame_ ;SLEEP 42 lda #229;19 ;esto si hay algo en el Anim2 va 24, si solo hay un jmp retornoanim va 25, porque se hacen lineas impares y eso hace que se ponga todo en blanco y negro sta TIM64T ;T1024T LDA #8 STA COLUPF ; Start VSYNC LDA #2 STA VSYNC STA WSYNC STA WSYNC STA WSYNC ; 3 Scanlines of VSYNC LDA #0 STA VSYNC ; End VSYNC ; 37 Scanlines of Vertical Blank... LDX #37 Vertical_BlankD_ STA WSYNC DEX BNE Vertical_BlankD_ LDA #0 STA VBLANK ; Enable TIA Output ;////////////// Start To Draw Playfield /////////////////////////////// LDX #4 ; Frase 1 empieza mas arriba TiempoD_ STA WSYNC DEX BNE TiempoD_ ; JMP ($82);Frase1 RetornoD_ LDA #0;Cero2 STA PF0 STA PF1 STA PF2 STA WSYNC STA WSYNC STA WSYNC STA WSYNC STA WSYNC STA WSYNC LDA #5;1 STA CTRLPF ; JMP ($84);Frase2 Retorno2D_ LDA #0 ;Cero2 STA PF0 STA PF1 STA PF2 sta GRP0 sta GRP1 ;JMP ($88) lda #0 sta COLUBK sta COLUPF lda #Gris sta COLUP0 lda #Gris;Azul sta COLUP1 ;lda Puntaje lda RoomP1 and #%11111000 cmp #0 bmi gir2 ldx #0 stx Giro gir2 clc ror ror adc ContaX tay lda pufuga,Y sta RoomP2 lda Curarr,Y sta PunteroRoomBKP iny lda Curarr,Y sta PunteroRoomBKP + 1 lda #0 sta Noparray ldy #19;20;40;20 lda #1 sta Dunot lda #0 sta Noparray ldy #19;20;40;20 Loopy_ sta WSYNC sta WSYNC sta WSYNC sta WSYNC sta HMOVE lda (PunteroRoom),Y sta COLUBK lda #$FF sta GRP0 sta ENABL sta ENAM1 lda #$F0 clc adc (PunteroRoomBKP),Y adc Giro sta HMM1 lda #$10 clc adc (PunteroRoomBKP),Y adc Giro sta HMBL dey bne LoopyN_ ;sta WSYNC jmp LoopyS_ LoopyN_ jmp Loopy_ LoopyS_ LDA #0;255;0 ;Cero2 STA PF0 STA PF1 STA PF2 sta GRP0 sta GRP1 inc Puntaje lda Puntaje and #%00111100 clc ror ;ror ;ror ;ror ;ror tay lda TogCamina beq NoAccio lda PunteroRoomF2,Y sta PunteroRoom iny lda PunteroRoomF2,Y sta PunteroRoom + 1 jmp NoAcc2 NoAccio lda PunteroRoomF,Y sta PunteroRoom iny lda PunteroRoomF,Y sta PunteroRoom + 1 NoAcc2 cpy #8*2 + 1 ;15*2 + 1 beq Sali jmp Salis Sali lda TogCamina beq Alpri lda #0 sta Puntaje sta TogCamina lda PunteroRoomF sta PunteroRoom lda PunteroRoomF + 1 sta PunteroRoom + 1 jmp Sabnk Alpri lda #0 sta Puntaje Salis LDX #17;9;18;40;90;50;30;50;90;112 DibujaColaD_ STA WSYNC DEX BNE DibujaColaD_ ; sta HMOVE DeciD_ LDA SWCHA AND #%00010000 BEQ DecisionNearD_ LDA SWCHA AND #%01000000 BEQ Decision2NearD_ LDA SWCHA AND #%00100000 BEQ Decision3NearD_ LDA SWCHA AND #%10000000 BEQ Decision4NearD_ ;BEQ TogImg LDA INPT4 BMI RetDeciD_ JMP Boton;Decision DecisionNearD_ inc RoomP1 ; JMP Decision Decision2NearD_ ; JMP Decision2 Decision3NearD_ ; JMP Decision3 Decision4NearD_ ; JMP Decision4 RetDeciD_ ;////////////// End Of Display //////////////////////////////////////// LDA #%01000010 ; Disable VIA Output STA VBLANK ; 30 scanlines of overscan... ; LDX #30 ;Overscan STA WSYNC ; DEX ; BNE Overscan OverscanLoopD_ lda INTIM bne OverscanLoopD_ lda #65 sta TIM64T overscan22 lda INTIM bne overscan22 sta WSYNC ;JMP Start_Frame_ jmp Start_Frame jmp Lejos;Star .ALIGN 256 ;Bicmaps ; .byte #%00000001 ; .byte #%00100010 ; .byte #%00000011 ; .byte #%00100100 ; .byte #%00000101 ; .byte #%00100110 ; .byte #%00000111 ; .byte #%00001000 Bitmag PunteroRoomF .word Colir10 .word Colir9 .word Colir8 .word Colir7 .word Colir6 .word Colir5 .word Colir4 .word Colir3 .word Colir2 .word Colir PunteroRoomF2 .word Colir10 .word Colir9 .word Colir8 .word Colir7 .word Colir6 .word Colir5 .word Colir4 .word Colir3 .word Colir2 .word Colir Lejos lda <#Melodia sta $A3 lda >#Melodia sta $A4 lda $A1 beq Resea1 jmp Musica Resea1 lda #4;161;145;124;9 sta $A1 Musica LDA #1;4;1 STA AUDC0 lda #4;2;4;10 sta AUDV0 LDA DuracionNota BEQ ResetNota DEC DuracionNota JMP RetornarA4 ResetNota LDA Dunot;#1;5 STA DuracionNota LDA $A1 ;CMP #0 BEQ RetornarA4 LDY $A1 LDA ($A3),Y BEQ Volumen STA AUDF0 DEC $A1 DEC DuracionNota RetornarA4 JMP Retorno4 Volumen LDA #0 STA AUDV0 LDA #4;161;145;129;65;45;34;150 STA $A1 LDY $A1 LDA ($A3),Y STA AUDF0 DEC $A1 lda #0 sta $BD JMP Retorno4 Retorno4 jmp Lejret;Start_Frame jmp Star Melodia .byte #0 .byte #0 .byte E_2 .byte D_2 .byte C_2 ; .byte #0 ; .byte #0 ; .byte E_2 ; .byte D_2 ; .byte E_2 ; .byte F_2 ; .byte D_2 ; .byte C_2 ; .byte D_2;B_2 ; .byte C_2 ; .byte E_2 ; .byte D_2 ; .byte E_2 ; .byte F_2 ; .byte G_2 ; .byte A_2 ; .byte G_2 ; .byte F_2 ; .byte E_2 ; .byte D_2 ; .byte C_2 ; .byte E_2 ; .byte G_2 ; .byte C_3 ; .byte B_2 ; .byte #0 ; .byte #0 ; .byte A_2 ; .byte B_2 ; .byte G_2 ; .byte A_2 ; .byte D_3 ; .byte B_2 ; .byte A_2 ; .byte G_2 .byte #0 .byte #0 ; .byte A_2 ; .byte E_2 ; .byte A_2 ; .byte D_4 ; .byte E_2 ; .byte A_2 ; .byte E_2 ; .byte A_2 ; ; .byte F_3 ; .byte C_3 ; .byte F_3 ; .byte A_2 ; .byte C_3 ; .byte F_3 ; .byte C_3 ; .byte F_2 ; ; .byte A_2 ;.byte C_2 ;.byte D_2 ;.byte G_2 ;.byte C_2 .byte A_2 .byte A_2 .byte A_2 .byte A_2 .byte A_2 .byte A_2 .byte B_2 .byte B_2 .byte C_3 .byte C_3 .byte C_2 .byte C_2 .byte D_2 .byte D_2 .byte E_2 .byte D_2 .byte C_2 .byte C_2 .byte C_2 .byte C_2 .byte G_2 .byte G_2 .byte G_2 .byte G_2 .byte G_2 .byte G_2 .byte B_2 .byte A_2 .byte A_2 .byte B_2 .byte C_2 .byte C_2 .byte D_2 .byte D_2 .byte E_2 .byte D_2 .byte C_2 .byte C_2 .byte C_2 .byte C_2 .byte D_2 .byte A_2 .byte A_2 .byte A_2 .byte A_2 .byte A_2 .byte A_2 .byte B_2 .byte B_2 .byte C_3 .byte C_3 .byte C_2 .byte C_2 .byte D_2 .byte D_2 .byte E_2 .byte D_2 .byte C_2 .byte C_2 .byte C_2 .byte C_2 .byte G_2 .byte G_2 .byte G_2 .byte G_2 .byte G_2 .byte G_2 .byte B_2 .byte A_2 .byte A_2 .byte B_2 .byte C_2 .byte C_2 .byte D_2 .byte D_2 .byte E_2 .byte D_2 .byte C_2 .byte C_2 .byte C_2 .byte C_2 .byte D_2 .byte E_2 .byte E_2 .byte E_2 .byte E_2 .byte E_2 .byte E_2 .byte Fs_2 .byte E_2 .byte E_2 .byte D_2 .byte Fs_2 .byte Fs_2 .byte G_2 .byte G_2 .byte A_2 .byte Fs_2 .byte Fs_2 .byte G_2 .byte G_2 .byte D_2 .byte D_2 .byte D_2 .byte D_2 .byte D_2 .byte D_2 .byte F_2 .byte F_2 .byte A_2 .byte A_2 .byte G_2 .byte C_3 .byte C_3 .byte Cs_3 .byte Cs_3 .byte Ds_3 .byte C_3 .byte C_3 .byte Cs_3 .byte Cs_3 .byte E_2 .byte E_2 .byte E_2 .byte E_2 .byte E_2 .byte E_2 .byte Fs_2 .byte E_2 .byte E_2 .byte D_2 .byte Fs_2 .byte Fs_2 .byte G_2 .byte G_2 .byte A_2 .byte Fs_2 .byte Fs_2 .byte G_2 .byte G_2 .byte D_2 .byte D_2 .byte D_2 .byte D_2 .byte D_2 .byte D_2 .byte F_2 .byte F_2 .byte A_2 .byte A_2 .byte G_2 .byte C_3 .byte C_3 .byte Cs_3 .byte Cs_3 .byte Ds_3 .byte C_3 .byte C_3 .byte Cs_3 .byte Cs_3 Colir .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Marron .byte #Marron .byte #Marron .byte #Marron .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Marron .byte #Marron .byte #Marron .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Marron .byte #Naranja Colir2 .byte #Marron .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Marron .byte #Marron .byte #Marron .byte #Marron .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Marron .byte #Marron .byte #Marron .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Marron Colir3 .byte #Marron .byte #Marron .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Marron .byte #Marron .byte #Marron .byte #Marron .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Marron .byte #Marron .byte #Marron .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja Colir4 .byte #Marron .byte #Marron .byte #Marron .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Naranja .byte #Marron 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