Happy Birthday! A game by Gemintronic, LLC Do not resell What better way to celebrate than snuffing out candles with a puff or even a hat! The title screen displays a message and shows the high score. Press FIRE to continue. Press FIRE to launch a puff into candles for 10 points Use LEFT or RIGHT on your joystick to manuver your hat into candles for 8 points Press RESET to clear your score and return to the title Setting either difficulty switch to EXPERT (A) reduces your time and increases candle drop rate Your score is displayed bottom center on screen Each candle that drops off screen deducts time (represented top right from score) Your game is over once the time is 0. You can review your high score or press FIRE to try again. * Not every candle can be saved due to reach or bad luck * When catching with your hat any candles on the same row have a chance not not deduct time