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Game Gear song making.



So yesterday, I composed a song for Oranges for Game Gear. I had a problem with it. It had more than 1 sequence. It was a MOD. So I had to slow it way down so I could squeeze more song into an allotted space of 1 sequence. I am guessing the program that converts MODs to VGMs does not like MODs to have more than one sequence. So then when I was done, I converted the VGM into a PSG file so it could play in my Game Gear game. There was a slight pause though in the song that bugged me. So when I got up this morning, I decided to put in a note where the pause was. (It ended up being a G.) I was having all sorts of problems with my song not playing in the game. I had downloaded the new PSGlib file, but it wasn't working at all. My game was silent. So I looked in PSGlib. I must have unknowingly changed something when I did because my song began working again. I needed it to pause the song when the game was paused and then replay the song when the game got unpaused. Previous versions of PSGlib didn't allow that to happen, but this new one did, so I was really angry that I couldn't get it to work until it did. So now I'm really perplexed about random number generating. So hopefully I can get that figured out. I don't know why I care about finishing this. It's like it's going to get a release at all. Like who releases new Game Gear homebrew titles on cartridges, anyway? Perhaps this is why few people have attempted it. Either that, or more people have a SMS (which really boggles my mind), so they code for that instead. I thought Game Gear was way more popular than the SMS. I wouldn't know, I was a 9-year-old kid playing a NES at the time.

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How many consoles have you programmed for? It astounds me how many projects you have going on. I'm going to go through your blog to look at your work.


Hey, I hope this doesn't seem rude, but maybe when you post you might want to break up your thoughts into separate paragraphs. I am interested in what you are doing, but sometimes I see a wall of text and run. :)


Anyway, great stuff here. You amaze me!

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