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Another thing that helps when I have an eyeache is to sleep. But my eyeache mysteriously went away at about 4am. I don't know why, but it did. So went to sleep @ about 7am and woke up @ 4pm. It was time to work on Castle of Doom. I left off on level 29. So I designed level 29:


Part of me wants to save this level and put it on level 30 just to be silly. I had this interesting idea to put the number 29 in the level. So with paper and pen I designed a level that did. I had way more room left, so I put another 29 in. Oh, and we're supposed to get a windstorm tomorrow. I'll probably sleep right through it the way I've been sleeping lately. Unless a tree crashes down. There's these two trees out back. One is slanted one way and the other is slanted the other way. But they've survived many a windstorm. I don't know how, though. Thankfully, neither is slanted towards the condo though.

So anyway, I also want to work on the VB casino game, but with a windstorm coming, the power might go out, so I won't. Instead I'll keep working on Castle of Doom and Las Vegas Slot Machine for now.


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