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Deadly Onion Rings



I have decided to give up on Even Number Man. Even if I got it working, it just takes up too much space to do what I want it to do. So last night, I went back to work on Hamburgers. Even that wasn't working for me. It was late, about 3am or so. I decided to go to sleep with that broken. There were thunderstorms here last night at about the time I went to sleep. I woke up and decided to work on Hamburgers again.

It kept giving me false deaths. I was trying to add an onion ring to the game that the milkshakes shoot at the hamburgers. I changed a few things around and finally got it working after another hour of working on it, but the background was glitching a few tiles. I finally fixed that as well. At first I thought it was because I was having too much code. But then I got it working. So now the milkshakes fire onion rings at you. This is going to happen if level>1, but I put it on level 1 for testing purposes. You can shoot the onion rings to make them disappear, but the best strategy is to just avoid them. Each milkshake will only shoot one.

So now the next step is to change the strawberry milkshakes in level 2 to chocolate ones. Should be easy, but with computers acting all stupid on me, who knows?

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