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I'm having trouble sleeping.



Insomnia has been hurting my head the last couple of days. I can't sleep. And even if I am lucky enough to fall asleep, I'm only asleep for 2 hours or so. I lay in my bed supersleepy for a half-hour yet can't fall asleep. The fact that it's hot in my bedroom doesn't help either. Fan is going, window open at night, yet I can't fall asleep.

So now it's 4:30am and I have been awake for 3 hours or so. And it's boring just laying on my bed with my eyes closed. I guess I'm the type of person that likes to think and do and make stuff. I can't shut my mind off. It's horrible.

It is supposed to be near 90 degrees F today. Yippee. And when it's hot I can't go to sleep because it's too hot to fall asleep. That was the problem yesterday. It was too hot to go to sleep. I hate Summer, and it's just beginning...

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