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No more Upmonster updates for today.




Well, I got really far on the Upmonster game. Most of today was spent on the 2-player version, while on Sunday, I just started on the game. I kept on updating and posting, and it looks like I've spammed the Intv forums with my Upmonster updates. So I'm calling it quits for today on working on Upmonster. Work will resume tomorrow. I can't help it, I just enjoy adding little feature after little feature and pretty soon I've got a different version of the game with new stuff added in. Or, in the case of the last update, I figured out how to make the previous update better.


I finally saw a copy of Vampire for the Game Gear under $15. Only problem is, it has a scar. I bought it anyway because I don't care how the labels look for games I collect. Only thing I care about is whether they work or not.


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