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Cruiz'in YouTube - January 2017 - Sega Flashback Portable



Evening all. Tonight we look into playing Bubsy 1, Bubsy 2, and Bubsy in Sonic 2 on the Sega Flashback Portable, or Sega Gopher, or whatever you want to call it! :D

(Apologies for the sound being out of sync... blah!)
If you would like to try these out on your Sega Portable Flashback the Bubsy compilation is attached.


We had a fun side chat at the video was recording:

David B hi

Some Call Me Anto This is preferred over the Switch presentation

Some Call Me Anto That is what could go wrong

David B i don't have any emulaters like that

Some Call Me Anto The music gets hit hard here

Some Call Me Anto I find Bubsy 2 to be the least playable

Some Call Me Anto Bubsy > Fractured Furry Tales > Bubsy 3D > Bubsy 2

Some Call Me Anto That's my favorites from best to worst

Some Call Me Anto I need more Bubsy merch, I do have a Bubsy figure

Some Call Me Anto I REALLY want the costume

doctorclu Hey everyone!!

doctorclu You have a Bubsy figure? Where did you find it?

Some Call Me Anto Fist4figures, I can send you a picture if you'd like

Some Call Me Anto He's an etsy user that creates custom figures

Some Call Me Anto It is a bit expensive though

doctorclu Oh cool, please do send a picture.  drclu@swbell.net

doctorclu Of the Bubsy merchandise I have the first shirt, the portable hole, a pin.

Some Call Me Anto I still hope Bubsy makes a comeback soon

doctorclu I would like Bubsy to re-emerge at some point. I think someone would like to cash in on him at some point.

doctorclu So you have any other merchandise of Bubsy?

Some Call Me Anto I only own the figure, shirts and posters, oh and the games of course

doctorclu Oh yeh posters. All good. Well send a pic of that figure. Might be good to pick that up at some point.

Some Call Me Anto I believe I sent it through gmail. It is supposed to come with a Woolie next to Bubsy but unfortunately it was damaged during shipping

It was (pricey)..however the seller is very open to negotiation on price
He also refunded me for the Woolie snapping off, so he's very nice and his work is amazing


At that point the chat closed when the video was wrapping up, but that is an amazing figure. Thanks for sending that picture!


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