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Hour 1



Today is the start of my Novice run. I will be attempting the One shot achievement. The Torrens looks almost exactly like the Nostromo. it's clear the Dev team did

their homework. Even the Med Bay is stunning. Voice acting is well done as well. Reminds me of the Pillar of Autumn from Halo. It seems that certain parts of the

ship are still under repairs. In B01, part of the wall is Ripped off, the wires still hanging loose like a puppet's strings. Heading to the Bridge. Taylor appears to be a

Lawyer for WY, an unexpected Surprise. The lighting in the Kitchen conveys a sense of peace...until Verlaine pipes in that I need to go to the bridge. This first part is

altogether silent, save for the ambient noise of running systems.

Now here is a surprise: a Commodore PET computer! sadly, the keys are (mostly) blank save for the 2nd,6th, 9th and 12th top keys.

the Keyboard is oddly shaped, unlike a modern one. it resembles 2001: A space odyssey's HAL 9000 AI then a true PC. i could be wrong. after all, keyboards differ by region.

The lights repeat a pattern:4,10,5 to infinity. a nice touch. no effect on game-play, but expected considering the Source Material

LM-LINK, could that be the makers?

Personal notes regarding the Nostromo incident (reprinted here for reference):

To N. Taylor
RE: Nostromo incident. Weyland-Yutani file #DS9398476

Hey Taylor, I got your case request. It may take me a while to dig out the files and the incident before my time at the company, so i'm a bit fuzzy on details

In 2122, the Weyland-Yutani cargo vessel the USCSS Nostromo went missing. No trace was found of its cargo or crew. Apart from a new science officer, the rest

of the crew had worked together, seven in all:

Brett- Engineer Technician
Ash- Science Officer
Parker- Chief Engineer
Lambert- Navigation Officer
Ripley- Warrant Officer
Kane (Or is it Cain?) - Executive Officer

(of course this is common knowledge throughout the fandom but this recording is for new players)

Weyland Yutani lost a lot of money from it, it's a bit of a black mark in the history. Get the impression they don't like to mention it (Gee, i wonder why, here's a hint, it's Jet black and lethal) . anyway, i'll try and find the files later, clarify some of the points If you want, (the terminal forgot a comma) i can help you go through them? Maybe some of your luck will rub off on me I hear upstairs have (or has) their eyes on you for something big.


Verlaine sends us out to the obvious death trap of outer space and predictably, Taylor gets injured. (For those that have the DLC, you know who started this

mess, for those without, Ricardo did it, the explosives destroyed the dry dock bay in an attempt to kill "It"


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