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The Blog of the UnBloggable

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April 19th, 2005 - Harvest

I found out this evening, (I am about half finished with the dirt) that more than half of the back yard is about 8 inches to a foot above the grade it is supposed to be... Oh well, as long as the town doesn't come by and do any surveying...There is a vacant lot next door, and it is for sale, (even though the neighbour said originally that he never would sell it, because he wanted a "buffer zone" around his home).. if they were to sell it and start working this week, I would be screwed...But



April 18th, 2005

:!: I have a goal to get 3 dump-truck loads of top soil spread out in the yard over the next few days.... Hi Ho!I wouldn't have to do it by hand, but my mother-in-law pissed off the guy who delivered it and he refused to spread it out with his Bobcat after that... I haven't been involved in good old-fashioned physical labour for many years.. I was a landscaper in the late 80's but I was young and foolish then... oh how the years pass... now I am old and foolish. So it goes.My daughter, who



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