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Atari projects, Mac mini DVR, and other things

Entries in this blog

MenuMaker 0.4

Turns out there's an updated version of VecMulti that requires a slightly different format for the menu file. The menu created with MenuMaker 0.3 would show extra characters on those VecMulti cartridges, resulting in the names shifting.       Starting with Page 2 the names would no longer line up with the numbers 1-4 (game 1 on page 2 is AllGoodThings).     With the help of @NeonPeon I've been able to reverse engineer the new format, and have update


SpiceWare in Vectrex

MenuMaker 0.3

NOTE: use MenuMaker 0.4. It fixes a bug found in version 0.3, and adds support for the 2019+ VecMulti.   MenuMaker has been updated for 64-bit macOS. This will create the menu for @Richard H.'s VecMulti SD cartridge for the Vectrex.       Program with source: MenuMaker20211211.zip   Port was done using Lazarus, which is available for Linux, Mac, and Windows.   Use MenuMaker 0.2 if you're still on a 32-bit version of macOS.


SpiceWare in Vectrex

MenuMaker 0.2 source found

This is a followup to the MenuMaker 0.2 blog entry from 2014. @eyelyft approached me in 2019 about recompiling MenuMaker as it was a 32-bit program and MacOS is now 64-bit only. I'd done a clean install of my Mac since then, so downloaded the source from blog post but discovered it was missing files.  I wasn't able to find the missing files so thought I'd lost part of the source during the clean install.   Last week during a @ZeroPage Homebrew stream on Twitch discussion turned


SpiceWare in Vectrex

MenuMaker 0.2

Did some minor code cleanup and added the snazzy new icon from Nathan Strum!     Program with Source for Lazarus. MenuMaker20140331.zip


SpiceWare in Vectrex

MenuMaker 0.1

Double click the icon to start. Nathan's signed on to create an updated icon. The one I'm currently using is a bit fuzzy - it's the 32x32 icon from the Windows version of MenuMaker.     Click on the Folder Picker icon (top-right).     Then select your SD Card.     The Windows version requires your games to be stored on the SD card in a directory called Games, so I made this version default to that location. However, if you'd rather k


SpiceWare in Vectrex

VecMulti MenuMaker coming soon for Mac

To try out HEX, a new Vectrex homebrew, I discovered I had to use one of my work systems to run the MenuMaker.   I don't like to do that, so I contact Richard H. to see if there was a Mac version and if not if I could port it. There's not, so he sent me his Delphi code so I could see what needed to be done.   I'm not familiar with Delphi so started doing some research and discovered it's Pascal. I found Lazarus, installed it, and after a bit of work was able to update the Vec


SpiceWare in Vectrex

New toy

I've wanted a Vectrex ever since they came out - 30 years later I finally got one. I won it yesterday on eBay and was surprised when it arrived today via UPS! Turns out the seller is located in Beaumont, a mere 84 miles to the east of Houston.   The unit came with Fortress of Narzod and it's overlay, but not the overlay for the built in game Mine Storm. It also has 2 controllers though one of them auto-centers horizontally, but not vertically, and rattles a bit when moved (this was not


SpiceWare in Vectrex

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