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Atari projects, Mac mini DVR, and other things

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50 sprites

Hit Reset to get start the "game". Select returns to the rainbow screen.   Hit Fire to advance levels. The starting number of asteroids will be the first 1-2 digits of score(leading 0 is blanked out). This can be from 4-12.   Every 2 seconds an asteroid will break into two asteroids. This will occur until all the asteroids are small. The middle 2 digits of the score will be how many asteroids are flying around.   Push joystick in any direction to speed things up and


SpiceWare in Space Rocks

Space Rocks

Just some brainstorming for a potential remake of Asteroids/Asteroids Deluxe/(and possibly Space Duel), tentatively called Space Rocks (because space literally kicks ass! )   Sprite Usage   Sprites would be used to draw the player's ship, the saucer and the asteroids.   When as asteroid is hit, the following occurs: large asteroid -> 2 medium asteroids medium asteroid -> 2 small asteroids small asteroid -> disintegrates The initial


SpiceWare in Space Rocks

Name suggestions?

While playing Asteroids last night for the 7800 HSC, I got to thinking that Frantic's sprite routines could be used to make a much better version of Asteroids. Since there's no playfield to update, I think I can even get each sprite's reposition routine down to a single scanline (in Frantic Player 0 takes 2 scanlines while Player 1 takes 3).   Anybody got a name suggestion?


SpiceWare in Space Rocks

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