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49% completed

So I decided to work on my Quiz Wiz cartridge I was making. I just finished up question #491 which means I'm 49% finished with it. It only took a little over three years to do. Hopefully the other half won't take as long. But I do have to check if I've made a question before or not. Ctrl+F is your friend.   When making the answers, I had some weird funky answers come up. As it turned out, the 7 key wasn't working. So since I have a million of these things laying around, I just used ano


atari2600land in Quiz Wiz

Ho ho holiday Trivia

So I put a little wreath and candy cane on the label of the Quiz Wiz Christmas version, but I fear I may have to take them off because they shrink when I put the image to "print size" in Photoshop. I had two more sessions of question thinking up. I am now at 63 questions, so I'm now 6% completed. This is going to be as hard as I thought. I struggled, even with the help of a Christmas trivia book. Even with including Thanksgiving questions. Please help me. I think I may have to quit this ove


atari2600land in Quiz Wiz

Christmas is never too far away...

It's April, almost May. I got to thinking about Quiz Wiz again. I thought about what hadn't been done as a Quiz Wiz category before. There had been so many. Dinosaurs, Sports trivia (which I suck at), Comics, even Mythology. In all, 60 different Quiz Wiz cartridges have been made between 1993-97. But there was one glaring omission. There is no special Christmas cartridge! No cartridge which you can play your Quiz Wiz in a blanket by the fireplace with the Christmas tree and lights plugged in and


atari2600land in Quiz Wiz

2/5th of the way done

I just made question #401 of my Quiz Wiz cartridge. After making over 400 questions, I had better be careful not to repeat any. I thought up of a couple that I had previously done before, so I didn't include them. I think I may need some help though, otherwise I doubt I'll ever get done. How did Tiger Electronics think up of 1,001 questions of a certain THEME? By the way, I started this about 2 years ago. But most of that time was not spent on making questions. I stopped for about a year or so.


atari2600land in Quiz Wiz

A Quiz Wiz cartridge I've never seen before.

I've been looking for Quiz Wiz cartridges on eBay again. And I bought one I have never seen before: #48 - The Magic School Bus: Things That Fly. I have never seen this cartridge before. I have the one about Nintendo (which is weird because Quiz Wiz was made by Tiger, which had a short-lived rivalry with them later with the game.com vs. Game Boy)   This in turn has sparked my interest in returning to work making questions for my "homebrew" cartridge. So I will work on that again tomorro


atari2600land in Quiz Wiz

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