It was in a cardboard box in my room. The big cardboard box was near the 32X. I thought I didn't have a reason to put it somewhere far from it. So I found it and it is now near the computer resting near my Game Gear Everdrive.
"An Elephant Stomping on Grapefruit" has been moved up to what I call "technically a game." I worked on collisions for the GM. So he can now kill you if you run into him. You get 4 lives.
You can snag a binary of the game at its website. One thing though I h
I redesigned the Grapefruit Monster.
I also made small changes to the elephant. The Grapefruit Monster can now jump while he goes back and forth, which is why he's on the top in the picture even though he starts at the bottom. I also made it so the GM can change directions randomly suddenly, so you never know where he's going to go.
I had a really tough time trying to make it so the GM (I got sick of typing "grapefruit monster") doesn't get stuck inside the ledges. This usu
Since I got Kolibri for the 32x in the mail today, I thought I'd take some time to work on my Elephant game for the Genesis. I needed to design a grapefruit monster. So I designed a grapefruit monster, but I couldn't get it in the game! I tried and tried and tried and I finally got it in there. As it turned out, I needed to make its x position larger. It was appearing, but it was offscreen. So I got it on the screen. Next thing I need to do is to move it. It will be a two frame animation. Except
Well, it snowed a little. It was a dusting, but it left pretty quickly. I had to realize a way to get a good song on my game. I was tired of it blaring the loud music. So I experimented. I found that if I set the music volume to 5C and split the song up into different parts that it didn't have an annoying click sound when the song looped. Of course, the song only has one channel, but it's better than an awkward silence.
I had to split the song up because if I put it all in one file i
...but it didn't before. My Genesis game that was working just fine in my emulator proved to be not working when it was put into my Everdrive cartridge. I went to sleep at about 3 p.m. and woke up at about 2 a.m. So I tried some stuff and eventually got it working right now. It's about 4 a.m., so I spent almost two hours on it. I don't know what I did to make it work, though. After a suggestion, it still wasn't working, so I just kept working and working and it eventually worked.
So I was trying to fix the jumping problem from yesterday's blog entry about the game. I think I did it. I think I'll call it fixed. I also fixed the size of the screenshot. That turned out to be an emulator problem, not my code. This is a lot better:
While fixing the game, it seems that now the elephant falls faster than he normally did, so that's a plus. So having a little bit of gravity would be good. I will post a ROM of what I have once I know it works okay on a real Genesis. I ha
So I decided to work on the Genesis game I've been toying with. Since the blocks I put in there looked like Mario Bros., I decided to make this a Mario Bros. type game. Only with different layouts for the blocks on different levels (like Mario Bros. should have been.) But I was then looking at Eli the Elephant and noticed something was missing. The poor elephant didn't have any tusks! So I had to redo the elephant sprites, all four of them, adding in tusks to Eli. This is how it turned out:
So I finally figured out how to make music for this thing. I had to download yet another tracker. Now I have like 4 trackers on this computer. Game Boy, NES, Game Gear, and now Genesis. I also made the elephant jump when you press A. Unfortunately I could not get gravity working since the elephant would land at various y positions, that would look horrible.
It took hours to figure out the correct values to read, so now I think if the elephant stops being on a ground, he'll begin to fall. I w