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bomberpunk  (BOM bur punk)  n.  a name spawned in the early 1990s derived from the NES game "Bomberman" and the GameBoy game "Atomic Punk".  i am the original bp.  accept no substitutes.


retro gaming. Qbasic programming. rock music. dad life. food. 

Entries in this blog

Clive Cussler's Oregon Series

[#053] vacationing in early June, one particular evening my entire family sans me and my youngest daughter went to some dinner that I didn't want to go to and didn't feel like the 5-year-old would be on her best behavior. she's normally good but it's something about restaurants where she can't sit still through a whole meal and wants to walk around or sit on my lap or run her mouth (that last part she does 24/7, even talking in her sleep).   anyway, we went to the local mall and into a
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