After the MIDI Keyboard started working, the change channel, Radio buttons and adjusting the control values quickly followed. These were assembled into TEST15.APP and the video was recorded.
The NTS-1 arpeggiator was turned on and the controls were adjusted. The control values were sent by moving the mouse pointer into the slide area. While the mouse was over the area, the value was displayed above the slide. While the button was pressed, the value was sent to the NTS-1 and dis
I seem to remember that setting up radio buttons using Visual BASIC 4 was a point, click and fill in the properties table procedure. Not so easy with Diamond GOS. Programming Diamond is a lot like the early days of the Atari programing, when the only way to know if an algorithm would work was to try it, rather than searching the internet for an error free method. Add up the frustration from (what I don't know about the (Atari hardware + MAC-65 + assembly language + Diamond GOS)) and you get t