I noted that not everybody has 1600x900 resolution so I reworked on my website again:
Enjoy watching my movies.
Robin Gravel
Hi and welcome to my What I hate things about newest computers.
Here we go
1) Mail maintenance.
Sometimes, when you close your browser and it asks you to maintenance your works/e-mails
What is that? I go to the website to check my e-mails. Why would the browsers ask me to maintenance my e-mails?
It doesn't need to do that. The website cares my e-mails anyway. It's annoying!
2 - Press Spacebar to go to the next page.
That happens when you use Opera. WHY I w
I played The Sims 3 today.
I just discovered a new (vampire) family and somebody died in a new way.
He looks like he came from the hell.
I think he's dead of thirsty
Robin Gravel
Now Comment on the avatar of the previous poster! topic http://www.atariage....revious-poster/ is locked. So I'll use my original avatar again.
The topic was funny until it's locked.
Robin Gravel
Yeah. Newgrounds is down since tuesday.
I don't mean you get "server not found" but I can't access to my Newgronds account.
You can watch those funny videos anyway.
A new redesing in the same year?
You can watch all my flash movies at: http://robingravel.99k.org/eflash.htm untill Newgrounds is back on-line.
Robin Gravel
Edited: Newgrounds is back on-line.
My DVD recorder is dead today,
My DVD recorder is plugged but nothing happens. No light! No sound. Nothing!
Few recorded DVDs can play on my computer.
Yeah. My older VCR recorder still works. It can record videos but without sound. Still, it can play recorded VCR cassettes with pictures and sound.
Go figure!
Robin Gravel
I have had a chance to try a Nintendo 3DS an a 3D TV with 3D glasses today.
The 3D TV was impressive but not that impressive on 3DS. I use glasses so my vision might not look 3Ds that impressive I think.
If Nintendo dropped the price on 3DS, that's because the 3DS is not that impressive either.
Nintendo 3DS is more like a DS but with more powerful and bigger screens.
None of 3Ds games are impressive neither. Peharps if Super Mario Galaxy will release on 3DS ...
Robin Gr
A new version of DG: a text adventure game is out.
Some bugs are fixed. You can find it at: http://agisite.zxq.net/dgtext.htm
You must help your brother GD again by typing commands like most adventure games.
Use 'Command' to show all the commands the game understands.
Robin Gravel
DG: a text adventure game
Cilmber 5 is an excellent game for C64 published by Compute! magazine.
An Atari version was adapted later,
Climber 5 is also available on PC as well made by Compute!
Please check it out,
Not so memorable than C64/2600.
Robin Gravel
I found this picture in 2006 on my cds today. Please check the console and the screenshot on the TV.
Now look on the real Pac-Man 2600 screenshot below:
:lol: :rolling:
Robin Gravel
The local newspapers stop distributing their newspapers to the houses. Unstead, they put them to the posts near the post office boxes. Few people bothered not to take their newspapers.
Robin Gravel
Hi there
Few people know I'm working on an new RPG game. Now I'm making it official.
The game will support CGA composite.
That means you will need Dosbox or a real PC with CGA card installed and using a composite monitor.
Robin Gravel
Yesterday, for no reasons, the screen became black but the computer was still running. I was watching a flash movie. I can still hear something but I can't see anything.
So I closed my computer and reopen it again (I don't mean I turned the computer off and on). I can see the picture again. That happened twice.
I bought Vaio three years ago. I hope I don't need to buy a new one again.
I wonder if this problem is common on laptop computers.
Robin Gravel