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Good thing, I still have a sd television set

I noted new devices supported UHD televisions. I'm not sure if X-Box One, PS4 and WII-U support it but the next generation of consoles will. I still use my SD television to watch programs. If I need a new television set, it would be an uhd , when the price becomes reasonable.



It's how the game industry works today

It was the time when you buy a game, you have a physical game and the manual. Back to home, you start playing the new game. The manual might help you need it. What do you have now? The games are available only on the internet. You have to download them. Create an account on the game websites. Because you can't play if you don't have an account, even if you play solo. The manual??????????????????????????????????????????? No. There's no manual included with the games. You have to go to



Friday 13th and horror movies

Tomorrow is Friday 13th and I'm going to watch horror movies.   Here my list.   - Beetlejuice   - Freddy vs Jason   - Hitchcock's The Birds   I'm not sure if Hitchcock's Psycho is counted as a horror movie.



Toy Fair 2016 part 2

Too bad. I thought the Toy Fair would provide screenshots to the booths. Here the link anyway: http://s23.a2zinc.net/clients/TIA/Toyfair2016/public/eventmap.aspx?shMode=E&Mapid=123 Coleco does not even bother to give a link to their website.



Coleco Chameleon launch titles

Coleco Chameleon launch titles No one is interested to see one color sprites today unless you are a nostalgia gamer. 16 bit games might catch people. December 25th 2016: edited - This video is gone. I found another one. Enjoy



Toy Fair 2016 February 14-16

Generally, I don't follow Toy Fairs, but this year, I keep an eye on it because of this thing. http://www.retrovgs.com/ I wonder how this console will be turn out. This console will play 8-16-32 bit style but I'm not surprised if Minecraft will run on it. Using the jaguar case for this console is a kind of joke for me. Toy Fair: http://www.toyfairny.com/ Robin Gravel



SimCity 3000

I played SimCity 300 recently. Unfortunately, the gameplay is deficient when the scrolling is too fast, prevents me to enjoy the game. I throw away the citizens money because of the scrolling problem and spend more money to fix. I wonder if the citizen will elect me again as mayor.



Happy holidays

Santa Claus is coming to town Here a flash movie I made. http://robingravel.byethost15.com/noel2015.htm Here a video version: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3jksw0_santa-claus-is-coming-to-town_fun Sorry if I'm late to announce a Christmas movie at December 26th. Better late than never, somebody would say it.



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