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A Thesis of Nerdly Things

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Getting Things on the Internet That Maybe We Shouldn't :P

Today I saw Bill Kendrick get his Atari 1200XL on Facebook. "Posting via my Atari 1200XL (telneting to my Linux laptop, and running Links browser to visit FB mobile site). Did it work!?" Honestly, if I had to connect up the Intellivision today, and I've been thinking about doing it again for fun BECAUSE I CAN , I would need to do much of what he did. And I say "again" because in April of 2014 I was able to use an Intellivision, an Entertainment Computer System (ECS), a Cuttle Cart 3,



My First 40 Years of Computing

I was asked what got me interested in the Atari and later what got me to move onto other computer platforms. So this is my story: 1977 - Dad had the Sol Terminal 20. Cool machine. Lots of Trek80 and Targ played. -------- We got a Sears Telegames system, which got us into Atari stuff. 1980 - Sold newspaper subscriptions and got my own Atari VCS. 1981 - Sold the VCS, got a Atari 400 when I saw Choplifter, Miner2049er, and Archon -------- on the computer. Also learned about floppy disks an



7800 vs. XEGS: What Was It Like in the 80s?

Wrote a my experience in a thread of what it was really like in the late eighties in the Dallas area. You can read the story here: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/260693-7800-vs-xegs-which-would-you-prefer/page-3?do=findComment&comment=3666252



Ron Glass known on Barney Miller and Firefly dies at age 71.

"Ron Glass, who shot to fame with his role on the television series Barney Miller, has sadly died at the age of 71. The actor died on Friday (November 25) after a battle with various illnesses, his rep told TMZ." More from this TMZ article here. https://external-ort2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQDEYshZstPiV8nw&w=476&h=249&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcdn01.cdn.justjared.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fheadlines%2F2016%2F11%2Fglass-dead.jpg&cfs=1&upscale=1&sx=0&sy=16&



Atari Flashback Portable - My thoughts so far...

So some things I've learned since yesterday as I've been testing roms on the Portable with guys on Atariage.com 1) The unit I got was a early unit. I had a new version of Space Invaders and Jungle Hunt (both Taito titles) which will not be on the later models. SCORE!! 2) Everyone is sold out of these (even the producing company) for a few more weeks. Glad I jumped on this. 3) A great little system. Most of the roms tried so far have worked. The ones not working are the fan projects that use ha



The Planet Boldlygo

On my Facebook page my profile picture was altered with the Star Trek 50th anniversary theme. I had all these four themes made into memes before that event passed. At the bottom of the pic it says “TO BOLDLY GO"   https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153974375173651&set=a.426260258650.199598.513018650&type=3&permPage=1   On my profile pic someone left the comment:   "Why havent they ever been to boldlygo hahaha”   This is a good and valid point. Apparently other peopl



DON'T GO NEAR THE MARTIAN WATER! (Seriously, it's against the law.)

We have an international treaty not to explore water on other planets in fear of Earth germs and bacteria contamination. Had that treaty since 1967. Alright, call me daft if you want, but I did not know this. All these years of all the Mars missions hitting everywhere BUT the polar caps and me going "Yeh, that's is cool, now how about the caverns or polar caps?" And now to find out we've been purposely avoiding them? That is like on Christmas morning someone saying "See all this cool shit unde



Friends for a reason, a season, and a lifetime.. with Facebook.

So as a friend of mine said tonight, people are brought into our life for a reason, a season, and a lifetime. Facebook brings all our friends together in one place, giving new definition of the above statement. A Reason: Ok, I remember the REASON why we stopped talking.... A Season: Conversation goes something like this.... You: Hey! How's it been? Them: Great! graduated, got married, had kids, successful... You: Me too!! Them: Man it has been great seeing you again. You: Yeh! Catch up aga



Top 10 Star Wars imitators worth watching

Stars Wars was my gateway into science fiction. I was six at the time, I saw this record cover that my Dad had and the music of John Williams inspired me. I saw they had this guy in black... must be a black knight. And this man in golden armor, that must be the good knight to fight the black knight! And there was a princess. I thought at first glance from the pictures it was some high tech fantasy, ground based, adventure. Much like what Krull came to be now that I think about it.



Great list of DC Comics Animated Movies

Tonight I was cruising through a bunch of those sites with the fun information, though the next button for the next slide is usually scrolled off the screen and as a annoying lot of ads. I came across one site talking about all the animated movies released by DC and I have to say about 60% I've enjoyed. About 30% I haven't seen and it sounds like I am not missing much with those, and 10% I saw and were meh. Suicide Squad the animated movie the Oceans 11 feel was great, and probably why I hav



Getting Next Tetris for the Nuon/SD2300 Firmware Disc

Been getting back into the Nuon lately. You can find a whole thread I created about the Nuon and discussions about this great and yet obscure "console" that was the spiritual successor to the Atari Jaguar. It's a great time to get back involved. N501 units are real cheap, though controllers are currently hard to find. And the rotary controller is just around the corner for playing Tempest 3000! But here was my discovery tonight of Next Tetris and realizing my Toshiba SD2300 needed a firm



Completing the story for Swordquest (Airworld)

So as a kid, like many Atari kids, I was drawn in by the excitement of the Swordquest series. What? You don't know what Swordquest was? What were you? Born in 1989? You probably think Nintendo was the first game system! Just kidding, check out this great article I found on the Swordquest experience. Essentially Atari came up with this great idea to make a game and comic book series (produced through DC comics) where people would play the games and read the comics to find clues. Aft



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