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The (re) discovery of Atari games on my Gamng Odyssey!

Entries in this blog

Christmas with Lord Fortescue!

Going somewhat off piste here, but as it's nearly Christmas, I thought - just this once - I'd post something non-Atari related - Lord Fortescue's Christmas Episode. Bobbety's lost Arabella's present, so he calls on his old chum, Bunty Norris, for help! I hope you like it. Normal Atari-related service will resume after the twelfth night:-)



A Completely Unnecessary Ranking of My First Ten Patch Conquests!

What did I say about my Blog on Seaquest quickly following my last post!? I offer instead this link to my most recent video in which I - in the guise of my YouTube character, Lord Fortescue - rank my Patch conquests so far. ‘Top ten’ videos aren’t usually my thing, but this ranking was an itch that needed scratching! And some of my placements surprised even me. Oink!, I’m looking at you;-)



Crocodiles, Cobras and Swamps (Oh My!)

Well, so much for keeping up to date with my blog. Ah well, better late than never...although some may disagree;-) Pitfall! is the first of my two latest Patch conquests (worry not, my blog entry on the latter -Seaquest - will swiftly follow!) Would it be fair to say that Pitfall! is the Activision Atari game of which general videogame fans are most aware? It was certainly the only one I was certain of before finding myself on my Quest for the Activision Patches. With this in mind, I was goin



Zen and the Art of Playing Laser Blast...and Other Philosophical Musings

This is something of a beast of a blog post. I meant to write as I went along, documenting each Activision Patch conquest shortly after it happened, but real-life kept getting in the way. This is the main reason I haven’t played along with the rest of AtariAge members on the Summer Patch Quest. While that would have been my preferred way of earning my Patches, buoyed along by the enthusiasm and camaraderie of other Patch Questers, I never know when I’m going to get any time. I’m also very slow a



My Quest for the Activision Patches!

In addition to videos of my Gaming Odyssey, I am also recording my quest for the Activision patches (in virtual form, although I may try to track some of them down on eBay at some point).   I had never heard of these until I happened upon Spider Fighter - which I think might just be the best single screen shooter ever made! – and, through emulation, singularly failed to reach the required score! I couldn’t let it lie, however, and - as I noted in the forums – I tried again on genuine Atari ha




It wasn't long after creating my first video, that I decided to add subtitles. This was for three main reasons. Firstly, I think it clarifies the script anywhere my diction is unclear. Secondly, it should help those for whom English is not a first language to know what's going on! Thirdly, I just like to tidy everything up, and nicking and tucking my script to match what I actually end up saying, scratches that itch nicely!   So, with all that said (and for anyone who's actually interested;-)



The Beginning of my Atari Odyssey!

In December 2016, after being inspired by several YouTube channels, I decided to have a go at creating one myself. My initial idea - using the fictional character of Lord Fortescue - was to replay games from my youth. I grew up, and still live, in the UK, and so most games I played were on what we used to call 'micro-computers'! These included Sinclair's ZX Spectrum, Acorn's BBC, Dragon Data's Dragon range, etc.   It wasn't long, however, before my attention started to wander to all of the ot



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