Recommended board: Plug-In (if 4050 soldered in) The 5200 may either have soldered or socketed 4050. This will affect the procedure somewhat so we'll start with instructions for a soldered in 4050: Position the main PCB with the cartridge slot toward the back. Soldered-in 4050: 1. Solder the 16-pin socket on top of the 4050. It is only necessary to solder pins 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 11. Soldering pin 16 is probably a good idea as well just to secure all corners of the socket. With a reason
Recommended board: Basic. The 7800 uses a 74LS08 to combine the video signals from TIA and Maria and discrete wires will be needed to get the combined signals to the UAV. -^Cro§Bow^- has done some excellent videos and an install guide.
UAV_Installation_A7800.pdf Installing an Audio Companion board: The Audio Companion board will mix the 7800's TIA audio with audio from a cartridge at the appropriate levels without requiring any modifications to the existing circuit. RF audio will
The Audio Companion board is designed to be a simple way to add high quality sound to Atari consoles and computers lacking a sound output (predominantly the 2600, 5200, 7800, 400). It can also be used in any system as an audio mixer. For example, a stereo Pokey setup can be mixed to a mono output without affecting the separation of the 2 stereo channels. Two boards can be installed to provide multiple different outputs as well. The most common question is, "What makes this better than the audi
Recommended board: Kit (or let me know if you want the Kit pre-assembled for the Jr.) Instructions are for the NTSC 3-chip version. I don't have access to a unicorn/1-chip or PAL version. Please contact me if you're willing to help expand these instructions. If the C101688 unicorn chip is the same as Warner's 'Jan' chip, then it isn't compatible with UAV. This is one of the more difficult installs. There just isn't much room in the 2600jr and removing the 4050 isn't an option as it's used by
revised Jan 2, 2018 Recommended board: Plug-In The 400 has socketed chips including the 4050. The easiest installation is to put the UAV in the 4050 socket, but if you want to keep the RF output, you'll need to solder the socket on top of the 4050 and then mount the UAV on top of it. These instructions should work for NTSC and PAL systems. Position the main PCB with the CPU board slot toward the back. 1. Connect a wire to the left side of C187. This is Color-In. 2. recommended: Solder the
I know it's been hard to find UAV specifics in a hurry so I'm making a blog to put the most pertinent information in one place. Over the next few weeks I'll be putting up install documentation and links to the best info in the forums. Now, a little bit about UAV itself. For a long time I've wanted a video upgrade for the A8 computers that would straighten out Atari's missteps with the factory circuits and also address an issue within GTIA itself. I also wanted an upgrade that wouldn't require
Recommended board: Plug-In The 6-switch 2600 usually has socketed chips, but a soldered in 4050. This isn't a problem though because there's enough room in the shield for a top-mounted socket and Plug-In board, and the 4050 needs to stay anyway as it is used to buffer the joystick triggers (later 2600 revisions don't do this). These instructions should work for PAL systems as well, but the pictures won't exactly match and be sure to skip step 8. Position the main PCB with the cartridge slot