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NeonPeon's (Mark W's) adventures in retro game streaming!

Entries in this blog

Nethack and Chill 8-)

I've been streaming a Nethack run with my Samurai character, who has survived four streams and counting so far. I call this series Nethack and Chill 😎    This is far from over, unless I die unexpectedly, which perhaps in Nethack should be expected (lol). Part 5 will be next week!


NeonPeon in Old GOAT

Let's Code in Atari BASIC...Old Games on a Weekday

Tonight (Sept. 3, 2024) I'll be doing an Atari BASIC live coding stream! I'm by no means an expert at BASIC - in fact I'm quite rusty - but I thought it would be fun to do a live session of modifying an old BASIC favorite of mine (which was shown on a few of my former streams recently)...Gambler!   Estimated start time: 8:00pm Eastern Daylight Time    


NeonPeon in Old GOAT

Let's Play...STAR RAIDERS!

This was the killer app for the very early 1980s era in which Atari computers were king...STAR RAIDERS! This was technically a game developed in 1979, but looks like it was published in March of 1980.     Strangely, this game selection for tonight's stream was inspired by my friend Andy, who had just visited the UK to attend the Wimbledon tennis tournament. He came back with a snack from the UK called Space Raiders. When the subject of tonight's stream came up, Andy joke


NeonPeon in Old GOAT

Let's Play Weird and Obscure Atari 8-Bit Games written in BASIC! (Mark W's Old Games on a Weekday)

I streamed this last Wednesday. BASICally, I explored some ancient, obscure Atari 8-Bit games written in the BASIC language, and a blast doing so!   Since doing that stream, I've been inspired to delve into the source code to one of my favorite BASIC games as a kid - and the first game I played on this stream - 1982's Gambler, published by SoftSide.   I learned of this amazing tool - https://html-preview.github.io/?url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rossumur/esp_

Atari 7800 Games livestream! Tonight (May 15, 2024) at 8:30pm Eastern Time

I loved the acronym Old GOAT (Old Games on a Thursday) but alas Thursday isn't working for my schedule lately. (Stupid life!) So I've renamed my weekly, old-school gaming stream to Old Games on a Weekday.   With that out of the way, tonight I'm going to play - for the very first time for me personally - Atari 7800 games! Join me for some Atari goodness and chat, and feel free to make requests. I've got a large pile of 7800 games to check out.   @Charlie Cat I believe you sugg

Neo Geo Thread stream!

I'll be doing a stream tonight at about 9:15-9:30 EDT in honor of @Charlie Cat's Neo Geo thread having it's 10th anniversary! I'll just play random Neo Geo games casually. Requests welcome!    


NeonPeon in Old GOAT

Part 8 of my ongoing Ultima IV stream.

Last night on my Youtube series Old Games on a Thursday (Old GOAT) I continued my series of playing through Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar for Sega Master System in its entirety.   I made some solid progress in this one, but man I feel like I've got to get the lead out, given that the overworld started throwing Hydras and Liches at me! As one of my viewers mentioned in the chat, the game throws more difficult enemies at you in the overworld depending on total number of turns taken, not


NeonPeon in Old GOAT

Monday MAME stream with freestyle arcade games

A few years ago, my weekly retro gaming stream was called "Monday MAME" in which I played emulated arcade games on my arcade cabinet. Gradually, more and more I pivoted to playing non-arcade games: old consoles and computers, and eventually Mark W Plays Old Games on a Thursday (Old GOAT) was born.   So Monday MAME as a regular weekly stream was retired. But on rare occasion, I revisit Monday MAME, and it feels like a special treat when I do so! So this week I did an old school Monday M


NeonPeon in Old GOAT

The Intellivision 44th Birthday Party Continues!

I had such a blast last week, that I'm gonna do it again! Intellivision games on tonight's Old GOAT stream, including two games created by another retro gaming Youtuber, Brian of Brian's Man Cave! ETA is tonight (Dec. 14, 2023) at 8:30pm Eastern Time, but depending on how things go I may need to start a little late, at about 9:00pm Eastern instead.    


NeonPeon in Old GOAT

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