I have recovered the Instruction Manual for Connect the Dots off an old dead hard drive I had thought was lost forever. It's been lost for 21 years. The manual is making its online debut today.
Without further ado, here is the Instruction Manual (see attached image files)...
Connect the Dots - Cartridge
Connect the Dots - p1
Connect the Dots - p2
Connect the Dots - p3
Connect the Dots - p4
If you don't already h
I have several Intellivision games available for trade. Refer to the spreadsheet I have attached for details. The spreadsheet was created with Open Office 4.0 by Apache. If you are using MS Excel, it should be able to load my spreadsheet. But if not, you can download Open Office for free off the Internet.
Combined Intellivision Haves-Wants-Trade List.ods
I have the following Atari 2600 Sears games to trade. View the spreadsheet below for details. If MS Excel fails to load the spreadsheet, try downloading the free Open Office app by Apache, as that is the software I used to create the spreadsheet.
Click Sears Trade List.ods for my combined Haves/Wants/Trade List. Anything I don't already have on this list is something I want.
Thanks for looking!
Does anybody know anything about this C-64 cartridge? All I know is that it was made by Skyles Electric Works and you launch the application by typing the command "SYS 32772" and that it is some sort of tool to make programming (BASIC?) easier. Am I the only one on the planet who has this cart in their collection?
Updated July 09, 2024:
I did a lot of digging, and I managed to track down the user's manual for the Vic Tree.
I am wondering if anybody here can give me a definitive answer about whether my Atari 2600 cartridge of Asterix is PAL or NTSC format, based on the colors I see on my TV when I play the game. Both my Atari VCS console and my TV operate with the NTSC format. And here below are screenshots I took of the game playing...