Jitter be gone
- ARM routine InitLevel() is now run mid-screen to eliminate problem where OverScan occasionally ran out of time
- screen shifted down to give more time to Vertical Blank
- player shots are faster
- station shots are slower, and once again deadly
- asteroid explosions are no longer deadly. They're also faster than mine explosions. Non-Deadly explosions are now drawn in white.
Have not seen any jitter since making these changes. Let me know if you encounter any as I may need to shift the screen down another scanline or two.
If you hold RESET you can visually see how long the ARM routine InitLevel() takes to run, it's denoted by the white bar at the top of the screen. You'll notice that it varies by a scanline or two, this is due to the routines randomly positioning the asteroids and mines and having to sometimes reposition them to prevent objects from overlapping.
If you hold RESET in Stella, you'll only see a thin white line. This is because Stella does not emulate how long it takes ARM code takes to run.
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