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Interlacing Tables, Table Reduction



Sometimes you end up with routines that use a lot of tables. While writing my (0-65535) Hex to Decimal routine I ended up with a lot of 16 byte tables (6 of them actually). I realized that an optimization could be made by interlacing the tables. Normally I would do something like this:

    lda    hexValue              ;3  @3
    lsr                          ;2  @5
    lsr                          ;2  @7
    lsr                          ;2  @9
    lsr                          ;2  @11
    tay                          ;2  @13
    lda    hexValue              ;3  @16
    and    #$0F                  ;2  @18
    tax                          ;2  @20
    clc                          ;2  @22
    lda    HighTab,X             ;4  @26
    adc    LowTab,Y              ;4  @30

I took 4 of the tables and interlaced them. The interlacing of the 4 tables forces the index for them to become multiples of 4 by nature. Multiplying the index by 4 was as simple as cutting out two of the LSR's, and adding an AND statement to eliminate the remainder.

    lda    hexValue              ;3  @3
    and    #$F0                  ;2  @5
    lsr                          ;2  @7
    lsr                          ;2  @9
    tay                          ;2  @11
    lda    hexValue              ;3  @14
    and    #$0F                  ;2  @16
    tax                          ;2  @18
    lda    HighTab,X             ;4  @22
    adc    LowTab,Y              ;4  @26

In the above routine the carry is now cleared automatically with the AND and LSR's. I was able to save 1 byte and go 4 cycles faster, and it was all free savings by just interlacing a few tables. :)



My hex to decimal routine first converts the number into bytes of value 0-99, and then uses a look up table to find the BCD value for a quick conversion. Having a 100 byte table is a pig of a routine. I realized though that an odd number is an odd number in both HEX and BCD. So bit 0 is set for odd numbers, and cleared otherwise. A simple LSR followed by a ROL is all that is needed to cut that table in half. This is the initial code:

    tay                          ;2  @2   HEX value 0-99
    lda    BcdTab,Y              ;4  @6   BCD value 0-99
    tay                          ;2  @8
    and    #$0F                  ;2  @10
    sta    decOnes               ;3  @13
    tya                          ;2  @15
    lsr                          ;2  @17
    lsr                          ;2  @19
    lsr                          ;2  @21
    lsr                          ;2  @23
    sta    decTens               ;3  @26

Now the optimized code:

    lsr                          ;2  @2   Hex value 0-99  >> 1, keep bit 0 (odd/even) in the carry
    tay                          ;2  @4
    lda    ShiftedBcdTab,Y       ;4  @8   BCD value 0-99  >> 1
    tay                          ;2  @10
    rol                          ;2  @12  BCD value 0-99, as odd/even bit is returned...
    and    #$0F                  ;2  @14
    sta    decOnes               ;3  @17
    tya                          ;2  @19
    lsr                          ;2  @21
    lsr                          ;2  @23
    lsr                          ;2  @25
    sta    decTens               ;3  @28

The real kicker is since my table is shifted to right by 1 place I only need to do three shifts to get decTens, and not four. So I pay 2 bytes more at the beginning of the routine and take one back later. The new routine takes 2 cycles longer then before, but saves 49 bytes!!! That's 50 bytes saved for cutting the 100 byte routine in half, and 1 byte lost for an extra ROL instruction. I can live with that. :D


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