A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
Er, wrong space saga
Nathan and I aren't in agreement on pretending the pixels are square - Nathan doesn't like how the left/right movement is a different speed than up/down movement when we treat the Atari's pixels as though they were square, while I don't like the judder that occurs when we compensate for the Atari's 12:7* pixel aspect ratio.
So I've added TRUE 45°, a new menu option. When enabled all movement routines will compensate for the non-square pixels, the ship graphics will change, and the horizontal range of the shots will be decreased so the auto-repeat pattern stays the same (compare the auto-repeat pattern in the judder build to see why I changed the horizontal range).
The starfield generation has been revised. The original routine only used 0-159 for the X values, which meant as you flew left/right the same stars would show up almost immediately on the opposite edge of the screen (not quite immediately because 8 pixels are hidden by the HMOVE that occurs on every scanline). The new routines use a range of 0-255 and only draws stars when they're onscreen. This makes it take a while before the stars wrap to the other side.
The X change resulted in the starfield looking a bit sparse, so I revised the Y spacing to be a constant of 2 scanlines (it used to be random value of 2-5 scanlines). Since the Y spacing is now constant, I was able to eliminate the 128 byte RAM array that saved the Y spacing.
I've also added the gradual ramp up of the player's ship speed that occurs when a new level starts (or your ship is respawned).
* See comment by EricBall in this Space Rocks blog entry
Addendum: TRUE 45° now permanently enabled, menu option gone. Revised horizontal shot movement.
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