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Add a console to jEdit

As I mentioned last night, due to some prodding by iesposta I finally took the time to figure out how to use jEdit to Compile and Run 2600 assembly code. Now that I have it working, I really wish I'd done this years ago :roll: I've also worked out how to do the same for ColecoVision assembly programs and will look into batari BASIC as well.


The first blog entry is how to add Console Support to jEdit. jEdit uses the console to compile and run other programs, so this must be done first. There will be 3 additional blog entries to follow, one each to cover 2600 assembly, ColecoVision assembly, and batari BASIC. The 2600 assembly will be posted tonight, the other two later this week.



Adding Console Support is fairly easy. There's 3 things we're going to do.

  1. Install the Console
  2. Change a couple settings
  3. Add Toolbar buttons


Install the Console

  • Select the Plugins menu
  • Select the Plugins Manager... menu option
  • Select the Install tab
  • Scroll down the list to find Console and check it. You may notice that ErrorList will automatically be checked as well - this is OK.
  • Click Install button (lower left)
  • Wait for the install to finish, then click Close button



You've just installed the console! Locate the new Console button - mine was on the bottom, yours might show up elsewhere.



When you click on Console it will open.



If you click the small triangle just to the left of Console you'll get a list of options, such as Dock at Right and Float. Use these to position the console to wherever works best for you - I have a wide screen monitor so I moved my console to the right.




Change a couple settings

Now that the Console's active, there's one required and one optional setting we need to change.

  • Select the Plugins menu
  • Select the Plugins Options... menu option
  • In the Console group select System Shell (click the the small triangle next to Console if you don't see System Shell)
  • You must check the option When TextArea buffer dir changes, cd to it
  • Optionally, if your compilers are all in the same directory, put that directory in Subshell extra PATH. On my machine dasm (2600) and zasm(Coleco) are in /usr/local/bin
  • click OK




Add Toolbar buttons


This last section is optional, but you're going to want to do it as it makes it Compiling and Running your code easier. You can still use the menus to if you don't wish to edit the toolbar - those options are Plugins->Console->Compile Current Buffer... and Plugins->Console->Run Current Buffer...

  • Select the Utilities menu
  • Select the Global Options... menu option
  • In the jEdit group select Tool Bar (click the small triangle next to jEdit if you don't see Tool Bar)
  • Scroll the toolbar list down to the bottom and select the jEdit Help icon
  • Hit the + button at the bottom.
  • Select Type Separator
  • Click OK
  • Hit the + button again
  • Select Type Command or Macro
  • From the drop down select Plugin: Console
  • From the list select Compile Current Buffer...
  • Select an icon (I went with the gear symbol - if you can't find the gear you probably have the "classic" icon set active. See instructions below if you'd like to change that*)
  • Click OK
  • Hit the + button for a third time
  • Select Type Command or Macro
  • From the drop down select Plugin: Console
  • From the list select Run Current Buffer...
  • Select an icon (I went with the play symbol)
  • Click OK
  • Click OK again


Editing the toolbar:



Toolbar buttons are now in place:





* if the icons in your toolbar are monochrome then you're using the classic icon set. If you'd like to change them to the colored icon set do the following:

  • Select the Utilities menu
  • Select the Global Options... menu option
  • In the jEdit group select Appearance (click the small triangle next to jEdit if you don't see Appearance).
  • Change Icon Theme to tango




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