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Compile and Run 2600 assembly code from jEdit

In this blog entry we'll be making the changes to compile and run your 2600 program from jEdit. You must have already followed the steps in Add a console to jEdit for this to work.


You must also have already installed the 6502 mode file and updated the catalog file. The current 6502 mode file can be found in this blog entry.



For this we'll be doing 3 things:

  1. Figure out your Compile Command
  2. Figure out your Interpreter Command
  3. Configure jEdit



Figure out your Compile Command


First thing we need is the current command you use when compiling 2600 programs on your computer. I use this command when I'm working on Draconian

dasm draconian.asm -f3 -v0 -sdraconian.sym -ldraconian.lst -odraconian.bin


Then we use $n to replace instances of the source code filename with extension

dasm $n -f3 -v0 -sdraconian.sym -ldraconian.lst -odraconian.bin


Finally we use $c to replace instances of the source code filename without extension

dasm $n -f3 -v0 -s$c.sym -l$c.lst -o$c.bin


Some examples of what you might end up with:

./dasm $n -f3 -v0 -s$c.sym -l$c.lst -o$c.bin

~/dasm/dasm $n -f3 -v0 -s$c.sym -l$c.lst -o$c.bin

/usr/local/bin/dasm $n -f3 -v0 -s$c.sym -l$c.lst -o$c.bin

"c:\Program Files\Dasm\dasm.exe" $n -f3 -v0 -s$c.sym -l$c.lst -o$c.bin




Figure out your Interpreter Command


The Interpreter Command is how you launch a ROM image in Stella. On the Mac I use:

/Applications/Stella.app/Contents/MacOS/Stella draconian.bin


Like above, I'll use $c to replace the filename without extension

/Applications/Stella.app/Contents/MacOS/Stella $c.bin


Some examples of what you might end up with:

stella $c.bin

~/Stella/stella $c.bin

"c:\Program Files\Stella\Stella.exe" $c.bin



Configure jEdit


If you have a 2600 assembly file handy, go ahead and open it in jEdit. It'll make the following steps a little easier.

  • Select the Plugins menu
  • Select the Plugins Options... menu option
  • In the Console group select Compile & Run (click the small triangle to the left of Console if you don't see Compile & Run)
  • If it's not already, change Set compiler/interpreter for edit mode: to assembly-6502 (if you opened a 2600 assembly file, this should already be selected)
  • For Compile select Use custom command
  • fill in the custom command with your Compile Command, I used:
    dasm $n -f3 -v0 -s$c.sym -l$c.lst -o$c.bin
  • For Interpreter select Use custom command
  • fill in the custom command with your Interpreter Command, I used:
    /Applications/Stella.app/Contents/MacOS/Stella $c.bin
  • Click OK




You should now be able to use the Toolbar buttons we added before to Compile and Run your program.




Recommended Comments

I replaced the Interpreter Command with echo statements to see what's up, these are the results for each time I hit "run":

  • echo $c


  • echo $n


  • echo $f


Both $n and $f include the extension (.asm) while $c is just the root filename. As such, I suspect you're using something like this for your compile command:

dasm $n -f3 -v0 -s$n.sym -l$n.lst -o$n.bin


instead of this:

dasm $n -f3 -v0 -s$c.sym -l$c.lst -o$c.bin


What are the filenames that end up in your project's directory?

How can I compile and run a batariBasic code?

Looks like I'd gotten sidetracked due to the Houston Arcade Expo(see comments in this blog entry) and forgot to wrap up the jEdit series afterwards.


Based on this blog entry I had it working for ColecoVision but not batariBasic; however, I just tried a CV example and jEdit's not configured for it (a bB test didn't work either).


This was back when I'd just gotten my new MacPro, so I probably didn't transfer those settings over from my old MacBook Pro, which my brother now has. I did save the HDD from the MBP though, will look for it tonight after work - hopefully I had the bB configuration figured out.

Looks like I'd gotten sidetracked due to the Houston Arcade Expo(see comments in this blog entry) and forgot to wrap up the jEdit series afterwards.


Based on this blog entry I had it working for ColecoVision but not batariBasic; however, I just tried a CV example and jEdit's not configured for it (a bB test didn't work either).


This was back when I'd just gotten my new MacPro, so I probably didn't transfer those settings over from my old MacBook Pro, which my brother now has. I did save the HDD from the MBP though, will look for it tonight after work - hopefully I had the bB configuration figured out.

All right, thanks SpiceWare

All right, thanks SpiceWare

Found the drive - no bB setup for jEdit so I will need to work that out before I can post it.


Turns out I did have jEdit on my Mac Pro configured for ColecoVision; however, I'd renamed my edit modes and the configuration was still under assembly-z80 instead of ColecoVision assembly. I fixed it, but launching the emulator didn't work - based on the error message I think I need to install X11 support.


I'd renamed the 2600 mode files to Atari 2600 assembly and Atari 2600 batari BASIC. I believe I changed the names since assembly-6502 could be used for any 6502 development, so it wouldn't make sense for it to launch the 2600 emulator. Likewise launching the CV emulator wouldn't always make sense for assembly-z80.

The filenames that end up in my project's directory end in: game.bas.bin

which is why "/Applications/Stella.app/Contents/MacOS/Stella $f.bin" works for batari Basic


(Just reset this all up again with newest Java 1.8, and wanted to note that here.)

I replaced the Interpreter Command with echo statements to see what's up, these are the results for each time I hit "run":

  • echo $c
  • echo $n
  • echo $f
Both $n and $f include the extension (.asm) while $c is just the root filename. As such, I suspect you're using something like this for your compile command:
dasm $n -f3 -v0 -s$n.sym -l$n.lst -o$n.bin

instead of this:
dasm $n -f3 -v0 -s$c.sym -l$c.lst -o$c.bin

What are the filenames that end up in your project's directory?


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