Goofy Tech Demo...Applied!
INITIALLY I WAS PRETTY disappointed with the goofy tech demo I wrote (see previous post). It was pretty tricky, and a fair amount of work, to get the kernel working. And in the end, it didn't look much better than if I had just multiplexed a single sprite!
But I kept playing around with it and I think it might be useful afterall. Maybe.
Here's a possible way...look at this demo. At first, a mild-mannered, kinda-weak-looking Demon Attack clone:
But you hit the fire button and then!
Demon Attack On Steroids!
EDIT: And you could probably work a halfway decent 1942 (or similar) port out of this engine.
EDIT II: New binary; flicker improved somewhat. Turn P0 and P1 on and off to see the difference between this one and the other ROM.
EDIT III: New DAOS binary. This one, at least, couldn't be done without a sprite multi-plexor. IMO doesn't look real great, but oh well.
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