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Programming the Odyssey 2 is hard.



It took me two and a half hours to make a what would seem to be simple change to one of the new secret programs I'm making. Well, there's only one secret program I'm making. After a few failed attempts, I told myself "I am going to get this stupid thing fixed." After two hours, I got it fixed, but only on O2EM and Homer. When I went to test it on real hardware, it wouldn't work. About a half hour later, I got it working on real hardware. It shouldn't have to be this hard. Or am I just stupid? I still don't know much about how the Odyssey 2 works, despite me making 9 games for it. I am waiting until Christmas to show my latest Odyssey 2 idea. And I guess it was for good reason, too, since it took me over 2 weeks to get this far. I can't get the high score function working, and I doubt I can before Christmas, it'll be something I need help with. The problem is I'm using two three digit scores using the chars instead of quads. The score works OK, but the high score function isn't working. But oh well, at least the game itself is working.


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