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Stickman returns!



Exactly 2 months later, I have returned to work on programming Stickman for the Odyssey 2. I put seven erasers in and now the game looks more like the 2600 homebrew title Elevators Amiss. Armed with my trusty fan, it got up to 80 degrees here today, so I needed it. It gets really hot in my room. Right now it's almost 10pm and it's still hot in here. So I spent about 3 hours working on this. Nothing was going right when testing it on real hardware, so I kept trying different variables until it felt like working. I'm using the quads 2 and 3 variables, hopefully leaving 0 and 1 available for the high score and score function. I haven't programmed the score in yet because I don't know what the scoring system should be. Well, that and I have to make the erasers move faster. But that's another day's work. The holes in the paper are characters 0 and 1, while the seven erasers are chars.2-8. Stickman is sprite 0. So I have three sprites left. I wonder what I should use them for. Any ideas? Here's what Stickman looks like now.


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