Economical Initialization
A while back I did an entry on Faster Initialization for the 2600. Today's entry is about squeezing the bytes out of the Initialization routine to the bare minimum. Here is a routine I came up with a while back:
;Economical 8 byte initialization routine ;By Omegamatrix cld .loopClear: ldx #$0A ; ASL opcode = $0A inx txs pha bne .loopClear+1 ; jump between operator and operand to do ASL ; A=0, X=0, Y=random, SP=$FF, carry is clear
While there are no illegal opcodes used in this routine, there are still a few tricks:
1) The accumulator is never loaded. Instead it gets left shifted, and eventually after 8 shifts A=0.
2) The opcode for ASL is used to load the X register with 10 the first time through. Subsequent loops jump between the operator and operand for LDX #$0A to perform ASL.
3) The writes with PHA start at $0B (REFP0), but the TIA registers will all get cleared through their mirrored addresses at $40-$7F.
SP REGISTER WRITE VALUE (FROM ACCUMULATOR, which gets ASL'd) $0B REFP0 %XXXXXXXX <--- first time through $0C REFP1 %XXXXXXX0 <--- second pass, etc... $0D PF0 %XXXXXX00 $0E PF1 %XXXXX000 $0F PF2 %XXXX0000 $10 RESP0 %XXX00000 $11 RESP1 %XX000000 $12 RESM0 %X0000000 $13 RESM1 %00000000 $14 RESBL A=0 for now on ;writes continue to start of TIA mirrors SP REGISTER WRITE VALUE (FROM ACCUMULATOR) $40 VSYNC 0 $41 VBLANK 0 $42 WSYNC 0... ;Writes continue through ZP $80-$FF clearing RIOT RAM ;At end of routine TIA registers and RIOT RAM cleared, ;A=X=0, SP = $FF, Y=random, Carry is clear
You probably have noticed that I have skipped using SEI. I did this because there is no interrupt line on the 2600. However, there is always a chance one of the weird clones will. Insert SEI at the top of the initialization routine if you feel the need.
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