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I, Lava, Lou, See.



That's the name of level 4 in "The Adventures of the 50-Foot-Tall Stalk of Celery." The lava monster is swimming around while you dodge rocks being thrown. Once the lava monster gets close enough, he jumps out of the lava and starts breathing fire on you. Your job as mr. celery is to dodge the flames and jump on the lava monster's head 5 times. The lava monster is named Lou, or else the pun wouldn't work. I contemplated having the lava monster be a girl named Lucy, but then it would be a guy beating a girl which wouldn't be okay in today's too-PC world. So I've been working on the celery game since I got angry at the bacon one. The Odyssey 2 is a great system, but it's too sensitive about where to put code and where not to. With Atari 2600 and bB, it's freedom as long as you're okay with chunks of 4k, which is more than enough for most people. The Odyssey 2 prefers chunks of 256 bytes, which is ridiculous and anger-inducing. Do you know what else is anger-inducing? Having 100 or so ants on your kitchen counter. The Terro traps are all set, but the ants just keep on coming, it's like there's an infinite amount of them. If I had a pet anteater, it would be as fat as a cow.

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