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Part 6 of 11 -- Simple Assembly for Atari BASIC - Various Bit Manipulations



Bit Operations


Part 1 - Introduction

Part 2 - Learn 82.7% of Assembly Language in About Three Pages

Part 3 - The World Inside a USR() Routine

Part 4 - Implement DPEEK()

Part 5 - Implement DPOKE

Part 6 - Various Bit Manipulations

Part 7 - Convert Integer to Hex String

Part 8 - Convert Integer to Bit String

Part 9 - Memory Copy

Part 10 - Binary File I/O Part 1 (XIO is Broken)

Part 11 - Binary File I/O Part 2 (XIO is Broken)


The fun and games in programming for the Atari environment often requires manipulating hardware registers. Many features are enabled and disabled by individual bits in a byte. Additionally, the data used for many graphics features in the Atari 8-bit environment makes more sense when dealt with at the bit level. For instance, a character on the Atari's normal text screen (ANTIC Mode 2) can be flipped between inverse video and normal video by switching the high bit in the character byte on and off. The same bit in ANTIC modes 4 and 5 chooses between COLPF2 or COLPF3 color for certain bit patterns in the character data. The text color in ANTIC modes 6 and 7 is controlled by manipulating the two highest bits of the character byte. Pixels in a map mode are specified by single bits, pairs of bits, or groups of four bits.

Bit-wise operations, simple in 6502 machine code, are painful and very slow in BASIC. Isolating a byte's individual bits in BASIC code is a horrible sight to behold. This is nothing like the two-byte DPeek and DPoke that BASIC can duplicate (slowly) with a multiply or divide. Bit work in BASIC requires repeated value testing and computation to identify which bits are set and which are clear. A simple example of the terror is presented here:

110 REM
115 WORD=35235:REM $89A3
120 BVAL=32768:REM $8000
125 ? "WORD = ";WORD
130 ? "BITS =";
135 FOR BIT=0 TO 15
140 IF INT(BIT/4)=BIT/4 THEN ? " ";
150 ? "0";
165 ?
170 END

The code starts with the value of the highest (that is, 16th) bit of a word. If the test value is greater than or equal to the bit value then the bit is set. If not, then the bit is 0. Then the value of the bit position is divided by 2 to get the value of the next position. This evaluation and test action loops 16 times until all the bits are evaluated. One optional extra is inserted – before every four bits it outputs a space to separate the bits into groups corresponding to nybbles (half bytes).

In terms of code this is about as simple as it gets. The routine could be made faster by packaging the bit values in an array and testing from the array. But the same problem remains: BASIC is looping and performing multiple operations in each loop. In this simple example it is scanning one 16-bit integer. Implementing useful bit operations requires dissecting two 16-bit integers and assembling output in another 16-bit integer. We really don't want to go there in BASIC.

In defense of Atari BASIC, though it lacks bit operations, so do most other BASIC languages, because the original purpose of BASIC is to protect beginner programmers from the hardware. But, we're working on an Atari here and want to embrace the hardware.

OSS BASIC XL provides several operator symbols for actions on bits:

& == Bit-wise AND two 16-bit values


! == Bit-wise OR two 16-bit values


% == Bit-wise EOR (Exclusive OR) two 16-bit values



The 6502 supports these operations and also supports other bit manipulations that BASIC XL (and other more modern BASICs) do not support. Shifting bits and rotating bits in a byte are simple in the 6502. These could be interesting in a utility for BASIC. So, we will plan for machine language routines that do bitwise AND, OR, EOR operations and also support left and right shift, and left and right rotate.

Since the USR() environment automatically provides 16-bit argument values to the machine language code a choice needs to be made: implement the routines to work on 16-bit values or just a single byte. In the case of AND, OR, and EOR there's little difference between supporting a byte or 16-bit operation. If the supplied argument values are only 8-bits (with 0 as the high byte) then the resulting computation will also appear to be 8-bits.

Rotating and Shifting bits is a different situation. The results of shifting and rotating an 8-bit value is different from the same action on a 16-bit value. In most situations the Atari environment uses 8-bits as data (character sets, map graphics, player/missile data), so these bit operations are more likely to be useful on just a byte.

Below is the list of operations to design. Each operation has two values, an operator, and a return value:


Result == 16-bit value AND 16-bit value


Result == 16-bit value OR 16-bit value


Result == 16-bit value EOR 16-bit value


Result == 8-bit value RIGHT SHIFT number of bits


Result == 8 bit value LEFT SHIFT number of bits


Result == 8-bit value RIGHT ROTATE number of bits


Result == 8-bit value LEFT ROTATE number of bits



Given the earlier Dpeek and Dpoke examples most readers are probably not looking forward to the tedious repetition of the argument setup and validation code for seven similar, separate routines. Nothing like that will happen. Instead, all the operations can be combined into one utility. This is simple (and sensible) to do, because all these operations use the same number of arguments and all return a value to BASIC.

Since BASIC converts all arguments to 16-bit values, the operations that work on 8-bit values will use only the low byte of the value and ignore the high byte. The reader will be relieved to learn there will be just one instance of the initialization code for managing the stack and arguments. This is where the perceived overkill factor of the generic initialization code pays off.

The next problem is how to choose one of seven different operations in one machine language utility. There are always several ways to solve a problem. One possibility is that each routine will have its own entry point relative to the start. Each bit operation routine would have to call the initialization and then somehow find its way back to the proper bit operation code. This has the problem that it is difficult to share the initialization code between all the operations and keep the routines relocatable. Simple relative branching keeps the code relocatable, but using JSR (Jump To Subroutine) to call the initialization code or the actual routines makes the code non-relocatable without a heap of other work.

Another possibility is that the machine language routine uses the value identifying the bit operation as the basis for branching to the specific routine. This has more promise. It means the machine language code will test the argument for each bit operation identifier and then branch accordingly. A table of addresses for JMP or JSR would be faster, but it would not be easily relocatable.

Keeping the code relocatable requires the entry for all routines fall within branching range of the decision making code. Generally speaking, the maximum distance of a branch is plus or minus about 127 bytes. The assembler is always more than happy to tell the programmer when target code is out of range of a branch. These bit-wise features are simple concepts for 6502 machine language, so the routines will not be large, but even if they were, there are ways around the problem of the half-page branch distance.

BITS in Mac/65 Assembler Code


1000 ; BITS.M65
1005 ;
1010 ; Perform bit level operations
1015 ; for Atari BASIC.
1020 ;
1025 ; USR 3 arguments:
1030 ; Oper == Operation (1,2,...7)
1035 ; Val1 == First value.
1040 ; Val2 == Second Value.
1045 ;
1050 ; Operations:
1055 ; 1 = 16-bit Val1 OR 16-bit Val2
1060 ; 2 = 16-bit Val1 AND 16-bit Val2
1065 ; 3 = 16-bit Val1 EOR 16-bit Val2
1070 ; 4 = 8-bit Val1 LSR 8-bit num bits Val2
1075 ; 5 = 8-bit Val1 LSL 8-bit num bits Val2
1080 ; 6 = 8-bit Val1 ROR 8-bit num bits Val2
1085 ; 7 = 8-bit Val1 ROL 8-bit num bits Val2
1090 ;
1095 ; USR return value is the result.
1100 ;
1105 ; Use the FR0/FR1 FP register.
1110 ; The return value for BASIC
1115 ; goes in FR0.
1120 ; No FP is used so all of FR0
1125 ; (and more FP registers) can
1130 ; be considered available.
1135 ;
1140 ZRET =  $D4     ; FR0 $D4/$D5 Return value
1145 ZARGS = $D5     ; $D6-1 for arg Pulldown loop
1150 ZVAL2 = $D6     ; FR0 $D6/$D7 Value
1155 ZVAL1 = $D8     ; FR0 $D8/$D9 Value
1160 ZOPER = $DA     ; FR1 $DA/$DB Operation
1165 ;
1170 ; Define operations1175 ;
1180 OPER_OR = $01
1185 OPER_AND = $02
1190 OPER_EOR = $03
1195 OPER_LSR = $04
1200 OPER_LSL = $05
1205 OPER_ROR = $06
1210 OPER_ROL = $07
1215 ;
1220     .OPT OBJ
1225 ;
1230 ; Arbitrary. This is relocatable.
1235 ;
1240     *=  $9500
1245 ;
1250 INIT
1255     LDA #$00    ; Make sure return
1260     STA ZRET    ; value is cleared
1265     STA ZRET+1  ; by default.
1270     PLA         ; Get argument count
1275     TAY
1280     BEQ EXIT    ; Shortcut for no args
1285     ASL A       ; Now number of bytes
1290     TAY
1295     CMP #$06    ; Value1, Value2, Oper
1305 ;
1310 ; Bad args. Clean up for exit.
1315 ;
1320 DISPOSE ;       any number of args
1325     PLA
1330     DEY
1335     BNE DISPOSE
1340     RTS         ; Abandon ship
1345 ;
1350 ; This code works the same
1355 ; for 1, 4, 8 ... arguments.
1360 ;
1370     PLA
1375     STA ZARGS,Y
1380     DEY
1390 ;
1395 ; Like a Switch/Case
1400 ;
1405     LDY ZOPER
1410     BEQ EXIT    ; Zero operator
1415 ;
1420     DEY         ; #$01 OR
1425     BEQ DO_OR
1430 ;
1435     DEY         ; #$02 AND
1440     BEQ DO_AND
1445 ;
1450     DEY         ; #$03 EOR
1455     BEQ DO_EOR
1460 ;
1465     DEY         ; #$04 LSR
1470     BEQ DO_LSR
1475 ;
1480     DEY         ; #$05 LSL
1485     BEQ DO_LSL
1490 ;
1495     DEY         ; #$06 ROR
1500     BEQ DO_ROR
1505 ;
1510     DEY         ; #$07 ROL
1515     BEQ DO_ROL
1520 ;
1525 EXIT
1530     RTS         ; bye.
1535 ;
1540 ; 1 = 16-bit Val1 OR 16-bit Val2
1545 DO_OR
1550     LDA ZVAL1
1555     ORA ZVAL2
1560     STA ZRET
1565     LDA ZVAL1+1
1570     ORA ZVAL2+1
1575     STA ZRET+1
1580     RTS
1585 ;
1590 ; 2 = 16-bit Val1 AND 16-bit Val2
1595 DO_AND
1600     LDA ZVAL1
1605     AND ZVAL2
1610     STA ZRET
1615     LDA ZVAL1+1
1620     AND ZVAL2+1
1625     STA ZRET+1
1630     RTS
1635 ;
1640 ; 3 = 16-bit Val1 EOR 16-bit Val2
1645 DO_EOR
1650     LDA ZVAL1
1655     EOR ZVAL2
1660     STA ZRET
1665     LDA ZVAL1+1
1670     EOR ZVAL2+1
1675     STA ZRET+1
1680     RTS
1685 ;
1690 ; 4 = 8-bit Val1 LSR 8-bit num bits Val2
1695 DO_LSR
1700     LDA ZVAL1
1705     STA ZRET
1710     LDX ZVAL2
1715     BEQ EXIT
1725     LSR A
1730     DEX
1735     BNE LSR_LOOP
1740     STA ZRET
1745     RTS
1750 ;
1755 ; 5 = 8-bit Val1 LSL 8-bit num bits Val2
1760 DO_LSL
1765     LDA ZVAL1
1770     STA ZRET
1775     LDX ZVAL2
1780     BEQ EXIT
1790     ASL A
1795     DEX
1800     BNE LSL_LOOP
1805     STA ZRET
1810     RTS
1815 ;
1820 ; 6 = 8-bit Val1 ROR 8-bit num bits Val2
1825 DO_ROR
1830     LDA ZVAL1
1835     STA ZRET
1840     LDX ZVAL2
1845     BEQ EXIT
1855     CLC
1860     ROR A
1870     ORA #$80
1880     DEX
1885     BNE ROR_LOOP
1890     STA ZRET
1895     RTS
1900 ;
1905 ; 7 = 8-bit Val1 ROL 8-bit num bits Val2
1910 DO_ROL
1915     LDA ZVAL1
1920     STA ZRET
1925     LDX ZVAL2
1930     BEQ EXIT
1940     CLC
1945     ROL A
1955     ORA #$01
1965     DEX
1970     BNE ROL_LOOP
1975     STA ZRET
1980     RTS
1985 ;
1990     .END

Now for the take-apart. The common initialization has these extra lines of code:

1255     LDA #$00    ; Make sure return
1260     STA ZRET    ; value is cleared
1265     STA ZRET+1  ; by default.

The program starts by clearing the response data. Since early exit may occur for different reasons in different places of the code, it makes sense to do this once rather than in several different places. When the code finds an error it can just return (RTS) to BASIC.

There is nothing new with the DISPOSE and PULLDOWN loops – they are the same as prior examples.

The next section is a simple switch/case-like decision blocks to identify which operator to use:

1395 ; Like a Switch/Case
1400 ;
1405     LDY ZOPER
1410     BEQ EXIT    ; Zero operator
1415 ;
1420     DEY         ; #$01 OR
1425     BEQ DO_OR
1430 ;
1435     DEY         ; #$02 AND
1440     BEQ DO_AND
. . .
1510     DEY         ; #$07 ROL
1515     BEQ DO_ROL

Zero is not a valid operation identifier, so that can be discarded quickly.

Ordinarily, testing a list of values would look something like this which requires four bytes for each test:

    CPY #$01

Since operator identifiers are sequential beginning from 1 the code can use a shortcut – it decrements the operator identifier and branches when reaching zero to the appropriate routine. This is still two instructions, but only three bytes (for a total of 21 bytes rather than 28 bytes to test 7 values).

The OR, AND, and EOR routines are similar:

1540 ; 1 = 16-bit Val1 OR 16-bit Val2
1545 DO_OR
1550     LDA ZVAL1
1555     ORA ZVAL2  ; <- OR
1560     STA ZRET
1565     LDA ZVAL1+1
1570     ORA ZVAL2+1 ; <- OR
1575     STA ZRET+1
1580     RTS

The only difference between each routine is the actual 6502 operation (ORA, AND, EOR) combining Value 1 and Value 2 which it then outputs to the return value for BASIC.

The shift routines must loop since the 6502 shift instructions move the data by only one bit:

1690 ; 4 = 8-bit Val1 LSR 8-bit num bits Val2
1695 DO_LSR
1700     LDA ZVAL1
1705     STA ZRET
1710     LDX ZVAL2
1715     BEQ EXIT
1725     LSR A ; <- Can only move bits one position at a time
1730     DEX
1735     BNE LSR_LOOP
1740     STA ZRET
1745     RTS

Each routine loops to shift only the low byte of Value 1 by the number of bits in Value 2 with the result output in the low byte of the return value for BASIC. Since the initialization cleared the entire return value, these routines do not need to worry about clearing the return value's high byte.

The bit rotation routines:

1820 ; 6 = 8-bit Val1 ROR 8-bit num bits Val2
1825 DO_ROR
1830     LDA ZVAL1
1835     STA ZRET
1840     LDX ZVAL2
1845     BEQ EXIT
1855     CLC
1860     ROR A
1870     ORA #$80
1880     DEX
1885     BNE ROR_LOOP
1890     STA ZRET
1895     RTS

This is a little more complicated. The 6502 bit rotations can be thought of as operations using nine bits, not eight. The Carry bit does double duty. It provides the source bit value to move into the byte and then accepts the value of the bit that was rotated out of the byte. The problem here is that the bit moving out of the byte has to immediately be moved back into the other end of the byte. How the code solves this: it forces the Carry bit to zero (CLC) insuring a zero bit always rotates into the byte. After the rotation the code checks the bit that rotated out of the byte (in Carry). If the Carry bit is set then the code turns on the bit that should have rotated into the other end of the byte (here, ORA #$80).

Testing BITS

The Atari BASIC program below, TESTBITS.BAS, demonstrates the routines:

105 REM
110 GRAPHICS 0:POKE 710,0:POKE 82,0
115 DIM B(3,1),N$(21)
130 FOR X=0 TO 1
135 FOR Y=0 TO 3
140 READ D:B(Y,X)=D
145 NEXT Y
150 NEXT X
155 DATA 0,257,0,257,0,0,258,258
170 DATA 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
180 REM
190 REM
200 FOR Y=0 TO 3
205 V=USR(BITS,OPER,B(Y,0),B(Y,1))
210 ? B(Y,0);" ";
215 ? N$(OPER*3-2,OPER*3);" ";
220 ? B(Y,1);" = ";V
225 NEXT Y
230 ?
240 REM
250 REM
255 V=129:REM $81
265 FOR Y=0 TO 8
275 ? V;" ";
280 ? N$(OPER*3-2,OPER*3);" ";
285 ? Y;" = ";W
290 NEXT Y
295 ?
305 END
9997 REM
9999 REM
10000 DIM BT$(162)
10001 BITS=ADR(BT$)
10002 RESTORE 27000
10003 FOR I=0 TO 161
10005 NEXT I
10006 RETURN
26997 REM Size  = 162
26998 REM Start = 38144
26999 REM End   = 38305
27000 DATA 169,0,133,212,133,213,104,240
27001 DATA 43,10,168,201,6,240,5,104
27002 DATA 136,208,252,96,104,153,213,0
27003 DATA 136,208,249,164,218,240,21,136
27004 DATA 240,19,136,240,29,136,240,39
27005 DATA 136,240,49,136,240,61,136,240
27006 DATA 73,136,240,90,96,165,216,5
27007 DATA 214,133,212,165,217,5,215,133
27008 DATA 213,96,165,216,37,214,133,212
27009 DATA 165,217,37,215,133,213,96,165
27010 DATA 216,69,214,133,212,165,217,69
27011 DATA 215,133,213,96,165,216,133,212
27012 DATA 166,214,240,208,74,202,208,252
27013 DATA 133,212,96,165,216,133,212,166
27014 DATA 214,240,193,10,202,208,252,133
27015 DATA 212,96,165,216,133,212,166,214
27016 DATA 240,178,24,106,144,2,9,128
27017 DATA 202,208,247,133,212,96,165,216
27018 DATA 133,212,166,214,240,158,24,42
27019 DATA 144,2,9,1,202,208,247,133
27020 DATA 212,96

The program starts by building a table of bit combinations for testing OR, AND, and EOR. The non-zero decimal values correspond to integers with one bit set in the high byte, and a bit set in the low byte. However the low byte values are different bits. This helps demonstrate that the bit operations are working on both the high bytes and low bytes, and that the bits are combined as expected by the operation.

The code loops through the OR, AND, and EOR operations, and for each operation loops through the table of bits displaying the results of the operations.

The next section loops through the shift and rotate operations and for each operation it performs zero through 8 bit shifts displaying the results.

Test program output:

0 OR 0 = 0
257 OR 0 = 257
0 OR 258 = 258
257 OR 258 = 259


0 AND 0 = 0
257 AND 0 = 0
0 AND 258 = 0
257 AND 258 = 256


0 EOR 0 = 0
257 EOR 0 = 257
0 EOR 258 = 258
257 EOR 258 = 3


129 LSR 0 = 129
129 LSR 1 = 64
129 LSR 2 = 32
129 LSR 3 = 16
129 LSR 4 = 8
129 LSR 5 = 4
129 LSR 6 = 2
129 LSR 7 = 1
129 LSR 8 = 0


129 LSL 0 = 129
129 LSL 1 = 2
129 LSL 2 = 4
129 LSL 3 = 8
129 LSL 4 = 16
129 LSL 5 = 32
129 LSL 6 = 64
129 LSL 7 = 128
129 LSL 8 = 0


129 ROR 0 = 129
129 ROR 1 = 192
129 ROR 2 = 96
129 ROR 3 = 48
129 ROR 4 = 24
129 ROR 5 = 12
129 ROR 6 = 6
129 ROR 7 = 3
129 ROR 8 = 129


129 ROL 0 = 129
129 ROL 1 = 3
129 ROL 2 = 6
129 ROL 3 = 12
129 ROL 4 = 24
129 ROL 5 = 48
129 ROL 6 = 96
129 ROL 7 = 192
129 ROL 8 = 129


That shows the operations are working as expected. That is, assuming one is willing to sit and visualize the bit patterns corresponding to each decimal value. For these purposes the output is less than ideal. Atari BASIC prints numbers as decimals. There is no built-in option to display bytes and integer values in ways more meaningful for 8-bit computer programming. There must be a better way… (Stay tuned for the next episode.)


Below are the source files and examples of how to load the machine language routine into BASIC included in the disk image and archive:

BITS File List:

BITS.M65 Saved Mac/65 source
BITS.L65 Mac/65 source listing
BITS.T65 Mac/65 source listed to H6: (linux)
BITS.ASM Mac/65 assembly listing
BITS.TSM Mac/65 assembly listing to H6: (linux)
BITS.OBJ Mac/65 assembled machine language program (with load segments)
BITS.BIN Assembled machine language program without load segments
BITS.LIS LISTed DATA statements for BITS.BIN routine.
BITS.TLS LISTed DATA statements for BITS.BIN routine to H6: (linux)

MAKEBITS.BAS BASIC program to create the BITS.BIN file. This also contains the BITS routine in DATA statements.
MAKEBITS.TLS LISTed version of MAKEBITS.BAS to H6: (linux)

SHOWBITS.BAS Example BASIC program dissecting bits in a 16-bit integer.
SHOWBITS.TLS LISTed version of SHOWBITS.BAS to H6: (linux)

TESTBITS.BAS BASIC program that tests the BITS USR() routines.
TESTBITS.TLS LISTed version of TESTBITS.BAS to H6: (linux)

ZIP archive of files:


Tar archive of files (remove the .zip after download)


For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.
1 John 5:4





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