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My Collection - Part Six



Here are most of my controllers for the 2600/7800, I have a couple joysticks and a joypad with the TV unit downstairs. The majority are original Atari ones and I didn't realize that I had 3 sets of paddles.

I ended up refurbishing a 3-4 CX-40 with parts from Best Electronics. New rubber handle, new button/spring and for a couple of them I changed the contacts. Much cheaper than to get brand-new joysticks and except the usual markings on the rubber handle and scratched buttons, nothing wrong it.

I have 3 CX-24 and 2 CX-78 joysticks for the 7800. I play pretty much all the time with the joypad, it's much easier to play with.

I didn't realize I had four after-market joysticks. I think I will modify one of the yellow ones to have two joystick connections for Bump'n'Jump one of these days.

There are a few controllers that I eventually would like to get. The Track&Field controller is high on my list, and perhaps I will treat myself to one in the next few months. I've also been keeping an eye out for the Epyx XJ500, I've always wanted one even back in the day when I had a C64 and that seemed to be the joystick to have. There's also the smaller Amiga joystick that came out in the mid 80s which I'd buy if I saw a good deal. As with everything else I find that the prices online have pretty much doubled in the last year.


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