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D(J) Day



So all the work on Doodle Jump for the Atari 2600 someone else had been doing inspired me to try and make one for the Odyssey 2. With the characters being platforms, the most I could have would be 12 at a time. But if I decide to keep working, I doubt I would make that many. So what I have now is a guy, a platform, jumping, and collision detection. I figured putting collision detection in would be the easiest way to have the guy keep bouncing.
My program looks like this:

Also, I have the beginnings of a random way to have that lone platform be a random x position.

So what I'd need to do now is figure out how to make random platforms appear at different y positions as well as x positions. I thought that it looked simple to do, but that isn't the case. Oh well.

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Chris, why do you say it's not simple to add random platforms appear at different Y positions?


As I remember the original Doodle Jump game, the platform placement was not random, but an actual level map. For a vintage console, it may be easier to randomly place them, since creating a large map may take too much memory. So here's how I would do it:

  • Have a timer ticking every few frames
  • On every tick decide whether you should place a platform or not. Maybe a 20% chance or something low like that.
  • Select a random length from "short," "medium," "long"
  • Select a random position on the X axis
  • Draw a new platform of the selected length at the selected X position on the top row of the screen
  • On every tick, move the platform down one row on the Y axis.
  • If the platform reached the bottom, clear it.
  • Do this for every platform you can create simultaneously.


You then detect collisions only when the jumper is on its downward trajectory.


The original is a bit more subtle, but something like that will do for an vintage retro console. :)


It doesn't seem like a big problem, although I must admit I do not know the limitations of the Oddessy2.


Good luck!


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Does the Odyssey^2 have a frame buffer similar to e.g. the Intellivision, or is it based on raster beam graphics like e.g. the Atari 2600? I would imagine generating random values for X and Y not being too hard, but perhaps placing the platforms at those random positions would be more troublesome depending on how the graphics are generated and displayed.

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What I meant by placing Y values for the platforms was having them scroll continuously down. I tried to do this for a few hours but ended in failure. So I have a new idea for the game: Delete the platform you just jumped on and place it elsewhere on the screen. I can do Y values with this easily. Although I had trouble with X because the random number generator on the Odyssey 2 doesn't work very well. But I found a workaround.

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But... Isn't "scrolling" the platforms continuously down the same as erasing them and drawing them below? Except that the Y coordinate is incremental (decremental?) instead of random.

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