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So yesterday I worked on the Cranberry game some more. I made the changes I talked about in yesterday's blog. I made it so there's a screen type. And I made it so the screen type is the thing based on deciding what goes where instead of the screen number. This will save a lot of space, so instead of having two long things of code to decide what to show when, I'll only have one.

I was still bored, so I decided to put in the health monitor. I fiddled around with different ways to do this, including using all four digits and having the % be at the end, but in the end, I figued that the best way was just having 2 digits and put a % sprite at the end of it. So instead of having health start at 100%, it starts at 99%.

The next thing I did was collision detection for the blueberry. When you touch the blueberry, your health begins to go down, and will stop if you don't touch him any more. Another bonus thing I added is that if you get to 00% health, the game resets. As you can tell, I was really busy and enthused about working on this game.


I will put in the game a potion in a flask to make your health go up, but I don't want to do that quite yet since the game only has 3 screens right now. I guess the next thing I can add is a strawberry that is blocking your path and you need to discover how to get past it.

You use the fire function when the cranberry and strawberry are touching each other.


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