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Back to Basics



batari BASIC that is!


I'm sure this will disappoint some people, but I'm going to take a week or two off Medieval Mayhem.


I'm sure there's some questions of why in the crowd

:? :???: :? :???:


Yep, there are :lol:


Basically*, I'm going to visit my brother in July and my nephew (11) wishes to write a game for their Atari. In order to do so in the week I'm there, I'll need to get batari BASIC(bB) working on a Mac (I set them up on a PowerMac G4) and learn how to use bB myself. I'm also going to create a mode file for jEdit for syntax highlighting in bB. Should be fun


* pun intended :lolblue:


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Building in OSX should be no problem, as is was developed under that platform. If you create a syntax file for jEdit, please share it! So I assume jEdit is a full IDE that can run the included shell script to automatically compile a file?

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I built it last night, but the output didn't have PROCESSOR 6502 at the beginning so DASM was complaining. My folks called when I figured that part out and I didn't get back to it before it was time for bed.


I will most definitely release the syntax file for jEdit. I've read that plugins can be added to create a full IDE, though I haven't tried it yet as it's been easy enough (for me) to have a terminal window up and just up-arrow to call up the dasm command from the terminal's history. I'll look into it for my nephew though.

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I built it last night, but the output didn't have PROCESSOR 6502 at the beginning so DASM was complaining. My folks called when I figured that part out and I didn't get back to it before it was time for bed.


I will most definitely release the syntax file for jEdit. I've read that plugins can be added to create a full IDE, though I haven't tried it yet as it's been easy enough (for me) to have a terminal window up and just up-arrow to call up the dasm command from the terminal's history. I'll look into it for my nephew though.

It sounds like you're running the compiler by itself. Instead, you should execute the shell script, 2600basic.sh. The shell script will prepend a file containing PROCESSOR 6502 to the output before sending it to DASM.

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