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the other 99s - A set of MAME/MESS packages



A bit back I had these MAME/MESS packages posted on ti99resources.wordpress.com/ but decided with the limited space I have on that website to just concentrate on the TI-99/4 and TI-99/4a. So I posted them to an Atariage thread. But since things, over time, tend to get lost in those threads I'm re-posting them here with updates.


The .zip files come with everything you need to get the MAME/MESS emulator up and going except the current MAME/MESS. The emulator has been tested with MAME/MESS .235 and works down to version .225. get MAME here: https://www.mamedev.org/release.html and MESS here: https://messui.1emulation.com/ MESS is just MAME with the top menus put back.

I have the ROMS, CFGs and INIs in a MESS directory you will need to copy into your MAME/MESS so that the emulators will work. Be sure to keep the name of the MAME/MESS directory as  MESS so that the execution batch file will work.

The emulated computers:

Tomy Tutor - Cassette and cartridge only.

Myarc Geneve 9640 - I have it booting into 2 hard drives. There is a lot more related files in other hard drives in archive.

Myarc MyXBII - also boots to a hard drive.

P-Card - Boots a boot floppy. Be sure to have the switch for the P-Card turned on in the switches. Only use the disk created to the p-card I have included. others may not work.

TI-99/8 - Boots to floppy. Only use the blank SSSD & DSSD disk I have included as others may not work. This is a resource intensive emulator with using the Hexbus; I5 or better.

TI-99/2 - Cassette only. Stick with the way I have it set up & don't use the MAME/MESS configurations of the  Hexbus & the 32k memory expansion. Both I have had issues with errors on the 99/2. After all, who needs more than 4k anyway. :)

So here you go, have fun. HLO




TI99_Geneve.zip TI99_MyXBII.zip TI99 PCard.zip TI99-2.zip TI99-8.zip Tomy Tutor.zip

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