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eSports, Virtual Reality, and Virtual Villages



I kinda feel like I owe an explanation why haven't worked on the USB adapter lately. The explanation is "my day job".


About two years ago, I was given about 1500 sqft of space in my university's library to create a Virtual Reality lab. This was a really exciting opportunity for me as I ran a visualization lab up until 2006 at my old job... I feel like VR was what I was meant to do, but my job back then was on soft money... and when the soft money ran out, I had to find a new job.


As an aside, in an attempt to preserve some of my older work from this time period, I created a stereoscopic video for VR headsets based on our old On-A-Slant project, I posted in on YouTube.


Anyway, lately, things with the new VR lab have started to pick up.


We recently purchased new laser scanners, and we recently purchased a Varjo XR-3 mixed reality system... and plan to get 3 more before the end of the summer as well as 6 Varjo Aero VR headsets.


We're in the process of building a green screen room that utilizes the XR-3 for an upcoming DoD project - it essentially amounts to being a combat simulator for ROTC students.


We have a Xsens motion capture system, which we are planning on using to partner with other research groups on campus to help them develop Digital Twins of prototype space suits... where use our Artec Leo scanner to do fully body scans of people. We do fully body motion capture, and we use that data to integrate into CAD designs for 3D printed space suits. All of this is funded by NASA.


In collaboration with a regional Tribal entity, we've also recently received funding to develop a prototype for a VR video game based on Native American competitive powwow dancing... and we lucked out, in that we recently received a letter of collaboration from a big name corporate partner to help us with overcoming technical and design problems with the project.


Also our university has started an eSports degree program. And while I don't know if it's exactly related to that, our university eSports coach recently asked me to help them build/deploy a 6-dof motion simulator with Varjo Aero VR augmentation for the purpose of fielding an iRacing.com eSports team.


I'm hoping to find time in mid April to return to the USB adapter project.



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