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So now I have a little tune at the end of the boss level. I noticed that the score display wasn't keeping up with the shots in the boss level. If you fly in real close to the boss and keep pressing A, the score wasn't displaying correctly because you were shooting too fast. So I decided to fix that. Instead of having the score increase and update its display when the scoring sfx timer was at 2, I made it increase and update its display right after it happened. This worked a lot better.


Now I am composing different songs for the different levels. Level 2 which is in outer space, I wanted to have higher than normal notes, like most of the levels in games that take place in outer space do. So I composed some level music. I played it back and noticed it wasn't a very long piece of music, so I composed more of it. That was a lot better. Next up will be composing a tune for level 3: the snowland. Perhaps I'll go the same route I did with the Virtual Boy version and put in "Winter Wonderland".


I noticed that my level 2 song once completed took up about 4% of the space in bank 1. Thus, I think I'll have enough room for all the songs in it. I have about 48% room left in bank 1. And I think I have enough room in bank 2 to put in a couple more levels.


I've been sleeping a lot more lately. And it's during the day. This is partly due to the fact that I don't want to be awake when the sewer people are working on the sewer and we can't use the faucets and flush the toilets because that would mess up their work (and the water would be off). We still don't know when that's going to be. But sleeping all day has its disadvantages. I need to go to the store and the post office. They are not open at 12:30 in the morning. Of course not.


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