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Level ate



I've been busy working on Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland lately. I added two new levels, levels 7 and 8, and added music for levels 3 and 4. I hope 7 and 8 can stay in now that I think about it, since putting music data in banks other than 1 wasn't working very well. Oh well, if it won't work, I'll just cut levels 7 and 8.


The way it goes now, as I said, most of the music is going in bank 1. But bank 1 is going to run out of room soon. So I think I'll have room for music for levels 5 and 6 in bank 1, but not levels 7 and 8. So I am going to try to put levels 7 & 8's music in bank 3 and if that doesn't work, the game will just have to have 6 levels. Here is a picture of level 8: a nice meadow.


The meadow won't be a serene one though since there will be 0 nuggets and lots of enemy milkshakes with various weapons by this time, like caramel corn, nachos, and pretzels, in addition to onion rings. Now here's what is next on the to-do list:

  • work on music for levels 5-8
  • ending

That's about it. Level 7 is a city with skyscrapers I originally used but then didn't, but then I put it in again. It's a lot like level 1 of the Intellivision version, except the INTV version doesn't have flowers. MAN I wish the Game Boy had more gray shades. It's very hard making good looking graphics with just 3 shades and white. Of course, I could just learn how to program for GBC, but I want to make original Game Boy games, not Game Boy Color games.


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