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Ate levels



I spent almost all of Sunday working on this game. I composed music for levels 5-8 and the ending and put them in the game. I think I have everything squared away and now I can begin work on the ending. I had to move things around a bit. The main game is still bank 0, but all the levels' music is in bank 1 and all the levels' graphics data is in bank 2. Since bank 1 is almost full (98%!) I can't put anything else in it. I had planned to put the level finished song data in it, but I had to move it to bank 3 because it got too full. Bank 3 is the bank with the most space in it so I will put the ending in there.


I went to sleep at 4 p.m. I was exhausted spending efforts to make things work out correctly. I think I did everything right, I don't understand something, but it works. I woke up at 1 a.m. and today's work was spent putting a little game over tune in it, something I forgot I needed to do. Since all of Sunday was spent working on the game, I want to take a couple days of break from programming the game. Also, I need to think of an ending.


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