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So this morning I discovered ants in my cupboard for the first time. Upon looking to see what may have caused this, I found a bottle of syrup with ants on it. No spilling of the syrup or anything. Just ants. So I got rid of the syrup and took it outside, so we'll see how that goes. The syrup has been in there a long time, so I don't know why the ants just discovered it today.


I changed the final release ROM of HERTS. It is now up to release candidate #5. I thought the r and l in Switzerland were too close. I know I am a perfectionist. It now looks like thsi:


I think it's not my fault but my TV display's, but the "en route to switzerland" part of the Super Game Boy border is a bit fuzzy. I can't make it bigger due to the number of 8 x 8 tiles I'm currently using in the border, so it needs to stay that way. It's the reason I made the word "hamburgers" bigger. The blue word was even more blurry on my TV.


I couldn't fall asleep last night, so I began to work on a novel. This is my third gross novel. A long time ago, I looked at a book in the series of books I was trying to emulate. I counted the words in one chapter, then multiplied it by 14 chapters. I got 20,000 words in the whole thing. But one thing was constant: They were all around 112 pages long. So that's the length I have been making mine: 112 pages. It's called "Poop in the Soup." It's about aliens needing to relocate to our earth, but before they do, they send an explorer alien who has been selected to infiltrate the human race and learn about us. With each chapter being about 8 pages in length, So 8 pages multiplied by 14 chapters equals 112 pages (and 20,000 words.) I finished chapter 1 before I finally went to sleep.


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