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The blockers



For those of you who have been following the development with my big timewaster project, you'll have noticed that I was talking about blockers. I was originally going to have four sprites representing the blockers when it dawned on me I can just have one. I don't need to have different shapes, just use one all-purpose square. I decided to get a little creative and made the shape of them (hopefully) more ornate than a regular plain square:

    .byte   %11111111
    .byte   %11111111
    .byte   %11010011    
    .byte   %11010111
    .byte   %11000011
    .byte   %11101011
    .byte   %11001011
    .byte   %11111111
    .byte   %11111111   

So that's what I will put in there. And last night while trying to sleep, I thought up a way to utilize its movement. Once it switches its placement, just turn off all the three places it isn't, even if it didn't move there, which would be two places. That would be a lot more simpler. Work on putting the blocker in the game will begin tomorrow.


Something new I am trying is having Safeway delivering my groceries to me. So I ordered some things yesterday. They said they'll be here between 1-5 p.m. It's 2:40p.m. and they haven't showed up yet, but when I went to track my order it said it will be here between 7:15 a.m.-7:30a.m. today. I sure hope it didn't come then, I was asleep. I have no food left save for the pizza I ordered earlier today. Now if the BANK could just deliver my money, I'd have no reason to go anywhere at all ever again. Well, except for the doctors' office. But that's every 6 months. And I need to support my local used video game store because I love it there and don't want it to close. I've been going there ever since I was an early teen. The guy knows me there.

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