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Chris Plays - Ms. Pac-Man



I found an error in the instruction manual. It says the between levels animation is in the game. Well, I can say it's not. Liars.

Last time I played Pac-Man. And I think I like it better than Ms. Pac-Man. Ms. Pac-Man is just too hard. I played the game with two ghosts and got a score of 100,000. But with all four ghosts on, the best I could do was reach the third maze with 20,000 before I die. The problem is the red ghost. He moves too fast. And so does the pink one. They move faster than Ms. Pac-Man.983651650_Ms.Pac-Man(1983)(Atari)_4.thumb.png.d40024888d278473a0b373951b5cac1e.png

No wonder the red and pink ghosts are the ones missing in two ghost mode.

Sure Ms. Pac-Man has more mazes, but that's the only thing it does differently than Pac-Man. They should have had a mode where red and pink don't speed. And I think Stella's screenshots are way too big. I wonder if there's a way to change that...

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