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It's more fun than a barrel of bananas.



I completely forgot about my banana joke book. It got hard to type because there's a point in my bone of my hand that hurts. And when I rest it on the hard desk, it emits a dull pain which makes it hard to type stuff. I have no idea how it happened, but it's been a couple of days now and it's really annoying. I thought for a bit and filled up page 8 (page ate?) Here are the jokes I thought up of today so far:


Why was the banana embarrassed?

His pants had a split.


What does Charlie Brown’s father grow?

Brown bananas.


What do you get every time you finish a banana split?

Split ends.


What did the mother get when her toddler didn’t like the taste of bananas?

Banana spit.


I got up at about 9 pm, so I've been up all night. I also worked on a screen on Frank the Fruit Fly tonight (last night?)


I also changed the cover. It now says "compiled by Chris Read" because some of the jokes I didn't make up. It's hard to make a joke book about one particular subject. It's bananas.


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