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Some more 'essential' programming packages for the Atari 8-bit line; Action!, Atari Asm/Ed & Macro Assm, Atari Pascal, OSS BASIC XL and MS BASIC.



Few months ago I posted an 'essential' package for Atari 'C'. It was a .ZIP up of all the versions of Deep Blue C for the Atari 8-bit line. The .Zip included the later upgrades for Deep Blue C such as Ace C all in one package. I have Done the Same for Action!, Atari Asm/Ed & Macro Assm, Atari Pascal, OSS BASIC XL and MS BASIC. You can get all these software packages off the web but they are usually spread all over the place. I put them in one nice little .ZIP for each programming language package. 

Here's a little of what in the .ZIPs:


  1. the 3 tutorials docs
  2. reference manuals
  3. Action .bin
  4. action runtime & source
  5. strings package
  6. the toolkit
  7. the programming aids disk

Atari Editor-Assembler and Macro Assembler

  1. ed/assm on disk and cart
  2. macro assm package
  3. APX editor
  4. various OS source code
  5. learning 6502 books
  6. De Re Atari & mapping
  7. the manuals

Atari Pascal:

  1. apx editor
  2. pacal setup for proper use of the editor
  3. books on pascal
  4. tools
  5. manuals


  1. leaning BXL in 30 days book
  2. toolkit
  3. runtime
  4. cart & rom
  5. manuals

Microsoft BASIC

  1. manual for ver 1 & 2
  2. ROM & supplemental disk for MSC II
  3. Ver 1 disk
  4. disk for ver 2.7
  5. tools
  6. games in MSB

hope this helps in your exploration of the various forms of Atari programming. Enjoy.




1612407063_AtariAsm-EdMacroAsm.zip 879291318_MSBASIC.zip 315215624_AtariPascal.zip Action!.zip 1076264715_BASICXL.zip


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